T. Vernay

Yes, show Jamie.

I see. And true. She is horrible.

Yes he would. Remember moral code is a "higher brain function". Jamie's world view is one of entitlement. If there is one thing he believed he'd always have it is Cersei.

Unlike you I felt something. I felt ill because I hate rape and I hate Cersei yet I sympathized with her during this scene.

No doubt, that based on recent accounts (which once again have all been linked to his marital issues) it is easy to conclude there is something wrong here.

I believe Shonda has far more mastery of her craft and her audience than anyone gives credit ( beside ABC of course). The best way to inject your thoughts into another is through subliminal messaging. Unlike many others, I think Sonia hits it head on with the race analysis of the show!

Your premise was that the show does not address race and therefore is unrealistic. My counter is that it does address it just not in the way many of us would expect it to do so.

I don't defend C.Short because I do not know what is the truth behind his marital problems (which BTW are all connected to his legal problems as of late. He punched the guy because the guy was taunting that C.Short's wife is a cheater allegedly).

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

This all would have been cleared up with the use of the word platonic instead of friend.

I think you were right the first time. What Stefan meant is that you can not be in love and platonic at the same time. This is absolutely true.

I just want a show that means something anymore. Cause…what the hell is going on with this plot? Like seriously.

I agree Caroline can do anything. I do not think she had to be with either of these guys except the fact that she was already with Tyler. Which makes sense because she and Tyler's journeys collided. Her permanent split from Tyler should have been organic. Instead it was defined by her sexing a character that had

I abhor these two together even as friends.

He compared Caroline to Lexi a few season back (probably season 3). He said she reminded him of someone…. a close friend. He was referring to Lexi.

Spectacular post!

Yes and well… is right!

Wow. Watching Lost again… Did the island make you do it? :)
Just the thought of reentering this brilliant world of confusion gives me angina.

Nina will be fine. She is a power player with several coins in her pocket. No, she may never be the it girl in Hollywood now that her work on TVD has made her synonymous with the role, but she has been in films, she has delved into charity work, and she's is in professional rganizations. I am sure she'll have no
