T. Vernay

I did not see the only amusing himself part; although I think it is a fair interpretation.

Last season rang brilliant to me. This season? Ehh…not so much, so far. We have reached the story marker where we can see the show runners/writers trying too hard. Forced plotting is frustrating. I suspect, things will ease into place further down the season line. At least I can hope for good things.

Shouldn't all characters (well written ones, anyhow) be driven by base emotions?

After season 6 of GOT do you still feel this way about Cersei?

I agree.

I wanted this so bad. They don't love me.

Suddenly, many of the plots have become linear and predictable. Hope it's a phase. Maybe episode 3 things get better.

I'm shocked she knew the entire incantation for a gift she said she did not have in the first place.

I thought he was all about the cripples, bastards, and broken things.

I didn't know Bronn wanted those things.

I think the show went out of the way to prove Shae and Tyrion were in love only to rip them apart.
But I agree, she was pretty convincing. It helps us to peer deeper into Tyrion's insecurities knowing that his entire inner circle was for hire. At least Pod was faithful.


Wow Bronn seems tough guy without all the general delusions. The Mountain is a scary dude.

Ok I see. I'd like to think that despite Bronn's money hunger, he had a certain sympathy for Tyrion and underdogs in general. But it looks like upthread there is evidence that no matter what, he will follow the money.

Okay thanks. In my mind that is sort of a betrayal but at least not the most offensive kind. I do remember Bronn saying he'll always follow longer money or something like that.

Did Bronn sell out Tyrion in book 3? I just need to know this information. Because he insisted that Shae was on that boat.

Is Bronn in on the betrayal?

Great recap LaToya! Lying is Bonnie and Jeremy thing. Except they call in protecting one another. They've been that way from the start. Therefore they're like the only characters staying true to themselves right about now.

"…because it ended with two people having a non-dramatic conversation with no epic non-diagetic music playing in the background. "

…because really. Why would we need Grams if there is no Bonnie.