T. Vernay

A (B) rating based on nuances? Ok well I disagree. This may have been the best episode thus far unless we focus on the means by which Celeste's death occurred. There I can see words like anti-climatic and Darla holding weight.

Haha friend zoned! Napier for the win. He makes the most sense in her world. Why was Gillingham back? I thought he was newly married. I must have missed the reason.

I'll have to agree with Kumagoro. The bulk of Cersei's triumphs comes from birth power-privelage. Most of her plans fall through. The ones that succeed are through the skills of others or sheer luck. Catherine would out wit Cersei with her hands tied behind her back and tongue nailed to her crown. Catherine is the

Indeed. Catherine would take Cersei to court and back!

The only difference is that Damon make his "awful" so personal.

"…Stefan and Damon swap roles every six episodes?"

Bwahahah omg I am cracking up at this! Jeremy cheating on Bonnie for Ghost Anna was the crackiest thing I had seen at that point. I will say thought it was definitely good for Jeremy's development. It all worked out in the end, I suppose.

Also thanks for the article. I appreciated the topic surrounding strong females characters.

Our definitions are almost identical, because they are the same. The literary idea derives from the philosophical concept. rofl I don't want to pull straws with ya. Therefore, I will not linger on nuances.

Napier passed over twice, in the same house and almost in the same manner? It makes me uncomfortable just thinking on it.

I think we're all looking at Daisy from a limited perspective. Daisy didn't love William. She didn't desire his death benefit and she definitely saw no use in his father's farm land. Value is in the eye of the placer. Daisy seems to live her life based upon an agenda that is as strict as her moral code. She came to

Horrible. lol

Ivy is the kitchen maid. She took the position once Daisy was promoted.

I made the argument and it sticks. lol
You may not be comfortable with it. You may not care for Elena as an protagonist but she's still active. lol Her actions propel the plot forward.

I am not a fan of the character. It pains me to defend here but just recently we saw her make the decision (on her own) to forgive Katherine (despite being cognizant of all that Katherine did to her and her friends) in efforts to ease Katherine' s passing. That wa a huge character moment. Agency. There are many other

Both definition are extremely similar. With both Elena has agency.

Katherine will never be Team MF. Never. Her last chance for trust from them was thrown out the window with the role of blackened eyes.

Write her off fine. Shouting her out and threatening her has more to do with his male pride than his mother. He's using Carol's memory as an excuse. I find it disgusting.

She did not go after him. Actually she had not contacted him since he was back in MF. It was he would had plans to score again with her thus is conversation with Matt.

This is why including babies into such a story line is a risky move. Hayley should be dead for all that she had done. But she's now in witness protection for a baby that may bring destruction the the supernatural world.