T. Vernay

Yes it was the Matt break up speech, from the original Elena who seemed to have more umph than current Elena. Current Elena would have put Damon's feeling first. Therefore, I agree with what the other posters are saying in that regard.

I must agree, original Elena was engaging. She was smart, sassy, brave and considerate. Maybe she will return that way one day. But that girl we first saw has been long gone.

I agree with your initial exertion. It is slut shaming. I am also glad they channeled it through Tyler making the issues about his jerk move and less about Caroline being an indecent woman for making such a choice.

This is a perfect example of slut shaming. Caroline was blamed for deviating from what is considered a "decent girl's" choice of sexual partner. Also, when choosing to be aggressive Tyler exacted a level of ownership over Caroline despite their broken romantic ties.

I actually agree. He definitely levied the power balance in the quarters. It would have been nice to see that continue for several more episodes.

True. Also, death is rarely permanent in this universe anyhow.

For the Original squad: Yes
For the viewer: Not so much

You are right. I think the general consensus is that something isn't quite on track, but there's difficulty concluding what that is for sure. Timeline crossovers between shows may be a factor as well.

I believe Celeste should not have been revealed until she was ready to rumble in the day light.

Right, because now Klaus can't be killed without taking everyone with him. Erases any real angst about his fate.

I said the same thing. They already called the baby a hybrid.

I love that this show is a mixture of Merlin, Gossip Girls and Outlander. Like did the entertainment gods not favor me with this one??? :) I just binged watched up to current. Yes, the love stories are a little bit too teeny bopper for me, but I love Mary. I'm just not happy about her decision to give Frances physical

Oh god, I hope not. Two of the most annoying witches in this universe are Esther and Sophie.

Indeed! Comic relief characters: Damon, Caroline, Klaus (almost constantly), Ric (mostly as a bounce off from Damon) and of course Katherine. Not knee slapping funny per say but definitely witty banter and ironic hilarity that gives a great chuckle. :)

I don't know why but this response made me so giddy. I guess it is because I was sitting her thinking "Oh no this commenter used actor names. Now I have no idea who they're talking about and refuse to look up the real names" only to find it was the wrong show. hahah

If Davina comes back she should be transformed. I think that in this universe people either need to stay dead or their resurrections become major to the plot. Sometimes fans/character servicing becomes overbearing.

I think they are now establishing gray characters: Bash, Diane, and Clarissa. All three which have done both generously good and overtly ill things. I like having some morally ambiguous characters in tow. It makes the show more well rounded.

ROFL!!! Yes because that is the worst of him…how he rocks his crown. This dude seems straight from the 80's. I'm starting to think he is a time travelling rock band god or something.

What will it be? Damon's self doubt or his revelation that it's be Katerina all along?

Silas plays mind games and rarely reveals his hand.Therefore I believe his lack of revelation is no indication that we're out of the woods with this Tatiana original Petrova thing. I personally wanted to learn more about her but gave that desire up when the Originals left town. Tatia was always an Original thing.