
I heard the tuber was “Tired of Sex” which made his wife cry. Then when his wife opened the door, the Pinkerton agent said they were going to “Getchoo”. They had initially gone to the wrong home, but WotC called and said “No Other One”. The tuber said his obviously erroneously purchased cards weren’t stolen, so “Why

I wish I was LeVar Burton!

True! You’re not wong.

Nick Offerman better win an Emmy for this darn episode.

Thanks, fixed those! Spellcheck doesn’t like the correct spelling.

It’s actually hilarious that there is a game out there matching that almost exact description, Dark and Darker. 

Dark and Darker is basically the game you’re describing.

May I present to you, good sir, Dark & Darker

I mean you got to have the experience of watching two magicians who clearly are the only ones fully aware of the movie’s plot inexplicably go out and get killed by people in bad makeup. That’s something!

i know this spot, it’s just south of ahkdar village and al sharim pass. for whatever reason the train slows down there and there are tons of AI along the track. if you’re not in the box car, you’ll get very shot up, if you’re in the box car, you’ll still probably take some damage from wall bang shots but not nearly as

If I’m reading these complaints right, it seems like people are bummed that they don’t have to spend money on the game. After the first season I stopped paying for the battlepass as it didn’t feel like a good value to me. But I kept playing, and as a free player the experience has been fantastic. I miss out on lame

Solo it definitely succeeds in creating a tension like you’re deep in enemy territory or something, being picky about encounters and having to get the heck out of there when the big guys start showing up. I ended up getting hung up on a contract for a lot longer than I expected and had to mad dash to an extract when I

I am not about to spend actual money on this game but I had venomized Cosmo in the shop the other day and wished I had been hoarding gold when I saw him.

I also mute asap when joining MW2.

Try forge instead. 

I had no idea what Wall-E’s house would look like.

Nah, I feel the control/views placing furniture are off too. Certain trees little too short, also blocking view. Items hang in place, etc.

I sank too much time into AC during the pandemic lockdowns as well so I’m not ready to make another commitment like that. However I’m having a good time doing the story quests and interacting with all of the villagers etc. There’s a narrative charm to it and something that AC really misses.

This game has awakened a terrible addiction in me. I wish it were a little more like Cozy Grove - which limited your daily quests - because when you have never-ending missions, you go to bed at midnight after playing the game all day.

Mythic Quest. I especially like the Raven’s Banquet expansion.

Mythic Quest. I especially like the Raven’s Banquet expansion.