
With my luck, I would get Frenchie.

I appreciate your trying to help, but no one is worse than Marnie!

I got Marnie in that same quiz and immediately reevaluated my life! I then emailed my friend, for validation, "BUT I'M TOTALLY A SHOSH, RIGHT?"

I too think Miley would be better in a role that is actually a role.

In the live version of Peter Pan, isn't Tinkerbell played by a spot of light?

Yes. Thank you! I personally think I would prefer to adopt rather than go through fertility treatments (should I find myself having difficulty conceiving), but I have plenty of friends and family members who have chosen IVF or IUF with fabulous results and who am I to judge their choices?

People also forget that correlation =/= causation. Just because the end of their marriage coincided with the end of her debt doesn't mean that that is why she left! (But even if it was, it's none of our f****ng business!)

My initial thought. Exactly.

I'm so glad to hear that! And I would have loved that more irreverent style that he had back in the day. Old people be getting old, I guess. :|

Also, I <3 your screenname.

I can definitely get onboard with this reasoning. He's just such a big kid!

I feel ill-equipped to compare Fallon to Carson (seeing as I've only seen a few clips of Carson here and there), but from what I know of the two, I can definitely see the validity of your thinking!

I definitely get that. I think the other problem is that by the time I had 'come of age,' so to speak, he had already become kind of a punch line, himself? But I'm sure if I actually took the time to watch his schtick - rather than just catching snippets - I would enjoy it.

I'm pretty 'meh' about Letterman, but I think it might be an age thing. (I'm in my mid-20s, so I think I missed his peak? Let me know.)

I think that's it! He clearly loves doing the show and every guest seems to genuinely enjoy being there. Ipso facto, it is more fun to watch! More TV should be this fun to watch.

It's amazing how great he is as a late night host considering how flawed he was as an SNL cast member. I'm so glad for him (and for America) that they gave him the opportunity to show his stuff, because he is by far my favorite host of recent memory.

Now I want to watch this!!!

I used to watch The Music Man all the time as a child and would sing the songs while running around the house. I tried to sit down and watch it again a couple years ago and could not believe how long it was. I was a pretty hyperactive child and I just can't imagine that I was able to sit there for 3 hours or so!

Oh, man. I'm with you. Every time she reads that awful e.e. cummings poem in the end scene, I become a freaking mess!

Oh man, I really like this movie! Thank you for reminding me of its existence. :)