Tuts B.

Eh, how hard is it to just not cheat on your f*ckin taxes!? All that money and he had to STILL be greedy, and shady? If Trump and Barr were not so busy trying to get re-elected/steal this election, this fool would have been drawn and quartered. He knew better.

Unfortunately, black people tend to forget they’re black once they reach a certain financial threshold.  So you must forgive them if they thought they were white.

Don’t forget his rap career.

The way I laughed at this comment.

Another thing to be embarrassed about besides your free throw shooting.

Judges are too used to just rubber stamp authorizing anything a prosecutor and a cop puts in front of them. The judge 100% oughta come in for scrutiny, but so should the entire cozy relationship cops, prosecutors, and judges have going on an institutional level.

I’m not a lawyer, but this seems like it has to be felony murder, doesn’t it? Lying and creating people that don’t exist to get a warrant has to be a felony. As a direct result of that felony, somebody was killed.

Are you kidding? There are already ashy Hotep’s lining up to praise this shit. Tariq Nasheed and his lotion starved face is giving Trump credit for this. I mean watching The GOP fall all over themselves praising lord jello ass for this is funny and offensive. I mean this fat mother fucker didn’t even know what

Her intentions might be good, but Donald Trump’s aren’t.

I saw the perfect analysis of this on another website: This is exactly the way an abusive narcissist acts.

What the entire fuck is this bullshit? First of all, how fucking stupid does this dimwitted motherfucker think we are that he’s trying to sell us something to get us to vote for him the same way banks sell bougie sounding credit cards. None of what he’s saying has a goddamn thing to do with anything to do with

Sister FeministOnFire, sigh. I’m reluctant to point out that it’s really likely that she’s just doing damage control. Remember, her brother, BeBe, was busy scornfully chastising Black Christian folk for “having the spirit of fear” while the shutdown was in full effect. Then he came down with that Covid... as did his

The world pretty much knows he breaks deals and promises. It’s our red-hatted fellow citizens who believe his lies.

This man is desperate as hell. “Vote for me so you can get Juneteenth off work.” Look for a Hail Mary watermelon seed spitting contest on the south lawn Nov 2.

And claim he’s doing it as his part to bring law and order to the black community.

LOL! I didn’t say ALL. But I imagine there were always people like these since slave times who didn’t want to rock the boat.

I listened to him say that 5 times in a row. He promised $500 Million, not $500 Billion. It sounded exactly the same as when he said “three Million new jobs.” 

That’s a sweeping generalization...

So far what I hear from late stage Black Boomers and early Gen Xers, (ones born during and after the Civil Rights Movement) is how they hate BLM, how they hate protesting, how they hate “all the gun violence from gangs. You know all the White talking points and dog whistles we always hear. And all I hear is uneducated

If he were holding the rope at a lynching he’d be doing it while claiming that he single handedly was lowering black unemployment.