Tuts B.

Yes times infinity. If I read one more article about how this appointment is going to “change the direction of the court for a decade” I’m going to fucking scream. Assuming the Dems win the POTUS and retake the Senate, go and pack the court. Or pull the right to decide the constitutionality of cases from SCOTUS and

Just think of all the disposable income you’d have if you cut food out of your diet, though!

I literally laughed aloud when you got to Green Eggs & Ham.

This motherfucking hotep has way too much time on his hands. We should be asking him instead of trying to guilt black people into giving him more money to funnel into his pockets, to tell us what he’s done with the money that suckers have already given him over the years.

I have some questions for Doctor Johnson:

He did this same shit on the Breakfast Club talking about how many millions black people spend on Benz’s and how we  buy more Mercedes than anyone. What?! He just pulls numbers out his ass. 

This is a really detailed list of questions. What I’m trying to say is, it really gets down to the nitty-

MKE guy here to say I KNEW he'd pull some shit like this. Newsflash to all the dumb fucks who wanted Trump to come to Kenosha: he doesn't give two shits about any of you. He's here for the votes because he knows his grip on Wisconsin is tenuous and he knows that losing Wisconsin could be catastrophic for his campaign.

Maybe we should just eliminate fruit from our diet altogether? 

With this many bad apples, it’s probably time to switch to pears, cuz this ain’t edible. 

Nothing to see here, folks. Just a single, solitary bad apple which I’m sure was immediately plucked from the barrel before it could ruin other shiny, good apples. 

Come to The Root, see an article with Van Jones’ picture on it, immediate thought, “Lord what’s that fool done now?”

Almost didn't read the article. His name is enough of a punch line these days.

not too far behind diamond and silk.

Rick said, “They don’t need to know I was here.”

Oh no you do NOT insult Rick Fox, no you don’t! He just finished cutting the grass, cleaning the gutters and building our kids a playhouse and stopped for a drink on the way to the hardware store.

Kanye and Steve probably both think they’re immortal and immune to viruses. Maskes don’t work if you just hold them in your hand, Steve!

Or, if you do have a problem with your children seeing it, maybe do something crazy like...have a conversation with them instead of yelling at anyone who will listen online.

It is totally fine for people to just say “folks are excited about this racy song, and I will pass because I’m not the audience”. No need to bring your children (that you probably don’t take care of) into it or a “distraction” diatribe.

As someone who doesn’t listen to Cardi B, isn’t unabashedly celebrating female sexuality like her entire musical shtick? I’m pretty sure she didn’t just spring this shit on people in the middle of some super pure Christian pop album. Is it really that hard to just say, “This isn’t for me,” and move on with your life?