Turtle Wexler

When Lipinski quietly said into the mic, “She is blind, and he is showing her the world,” I said “NOOOOOPE.” so loud, one of my kids got out of bed to investigate.

I have never shipped anyone. Not fictional characters, not irl people. But I ship these two and I want it more than I have ever wanted anything related to two people I have never and will never meet. I fell down an internet VM shipping hole last night and I have no regrets.

WTH was that Bobrova/Soloviev blind-woman dance though?

Likewise JK SImmons still scares the shit out of me every time I see him on screen. Vern Schillinger, one of the scariest most evil TV characters EVER

It’s only fitting that ‘Mayhem’ weighed in on the Parker/Cattrall feud.

Yes! He was so good in Oz. My BF and I still have arguments about things pertaining to O’Reily to this day.

Dean Winters will always be Ryan O’Reily from Oz to me.

“Paint me like one of your French military parades”

Your Elon Musk fanfic is top notch. I need to you to basically devote yourself to this full time.

Theory: Elon keeps getting back together with Amber to collect data to clone her into the Perfect Amber for Elon.

How do you mention Blackadder and fail to go with the best version?

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

The leopards are coming for all your faces, assholes.

The details about the cemetery are revolting and highly memorable.

Unless people are hurrying to and fro exclaiming “Bah!” and “It’s just not done!” and “I say, are you mad!?”, this just isn’t much of a brouhaha. Anyone for tea?

I loved visiting the Parsonage, they have great people working there and have taken real care with the house and the items on display. This shit is messy though and I hope they sort themselves out...The craziest thing I found out about Haworth when I was there was when their father became Parson and the family moved

But is the Bronte Parsonage Museum a Good Place To Bring A Doll?

Hello sad sister. You really need to detach. I disagree with literally every argument you have put forth here, and on many levels, but you are so keyed up that it would be a waste of my time to detail how and why. You are indeed quite privileged and quite blind to it. Forget about Morgan and focus on yourself. Get a

With you on the job search stuff, and many people do not realize what it’s like these days. But graduating and living at home are not what is catching this girl so much heat. It’s all the petty, self-pitying and inconsistent red flags she’s tossing out. She shouldn’t be reading her sisters texts. She shouldn’t be

Uhhh it sounds to me like Catherine realized what a nightmare her family was and peaced the fuck out a long time ago. #TeamCatherine.