Turtle Wexler

So I made this and it was delicious, but I clearly messed up somewhere, because it was a sort of nasty textured sludge on the bottom. Do you cook that for awhile until it’s a proper caramel sauce? Or did I mess up the ratios somewhere?

I was scrolling and scrolling looking for this. I was so confused by that sentence.

I loved him as Finch, but he does evil really, really well. Ben on Lost was an amazing character and I can’t wait to see him channel some that energy again.

I’m so happy to see someone mention that book, which is so beautiful and so not what people think of when they think of her.

I definitely comment less and less- I’ve commented for years all around various Gawker based sites and never been ungreyed and don’t expect I ever will be. It’s definitely not a question of just not being a troll. I don’t want to beg, but I can’t see the point in commenting when it just disappears into the void

Snoring Spouse- get an adjustable bed, now. Raise the snorer up as much as they can stand and still sleep. Doesn’t totally stop it- but it does wonders. If you aren’t ready to invest try a wedge pillow that raises the head and shoulders up as an experiment. Made an enormous difference for us.

Want to really blow your mind? Pretzel Salad. Jello plus pretzels. Still called a salad. It’s significantly less disgusting than you are imagining right now.

And Tyene. I imagine Cersei’s going to get creative about killing Ellaria’s daughter in front of her as revenge.

Plus, as Jaime and Cersei discussed- their dad made them learn then name and lord of every backwater nothingville in Westeros. He has tons of knowledge Dany needs desperately

The Furminator is worth every penny. And it is so satisfying to see the gross pile of fur after. Cat enjoys it.

We did this more or less the first couple years of my twins’ life. They didn’t really eat “meals” at that age, just handfuls of assorted stuff thrown on their high chair. It was pretty great to sit down with an adult meal after they’d gone to sleep and eat while catching up on Game of Thrones or something. We had to

I’m so stealing Family Bite. That’s awesome.

It is kinda messed up- but she’s far more profoundly feminist than she gets credits for with this endless “Christian mommy blogger” label. Her book has some passages about raising daughters in our society that are very moving and terrifying. I was really surprised by my positive reaction to her book.

“an ouroboros of bad decision-making” is a wonderful turn of phrase and just perfect to describe what was going on!

That’s too bad- I think the Felix Castor books are very enjoyable. I had no idea thos was the same writer- I read Girl with All the Gifts and Fellside and somehow convinced myself MR Carey was a woman. Anyway, I can understand the change in name- the tone is radically different for those books, more literary (but less

Anna already has powers- she is very, very strong. Nobody notices, though. I have seen this movie WAY too many times due to three year old twins, but it’s already there...

I think you’re making an unreasonable assumption that we will still be alive at that point.

Yep, no way I stay after this level of crazy

Holy crap that’s my allergist. I had no idea. We’ve only ever discussed Allegra v. Zyrtec stuff.

I went to Cox! And lived in Great Neck. Took a driving class and the SATs at Princess Anne.