It’s a drag, it’s a bore, it’s really such a pity to be looking at the logo, not looking at the city.
It’s a drag, it’s a bore, it’s really such a pity to be looking at the logo, not looking at the city.
I can see both sides of this. Having known abusers, I absolutely believe he could snow anyone he wanted to. That said, Rose knows Harvey had a reputation as a pig. Glenn Close and others have discussed hearing “gossip” for years. Doesn’t mean Meryl heard it, but I can understand why Rose has a hard time accepting that…
Perfectly said. I may not agree with Rose’s saying this or that, but a) who cares what I think? and b) she’s been through a trauma and is now re-living it, in public, every day. She gets all the rope she needs with that, I think. AND, when people came for Corey Feldman’s weirdness in describing his experiences,…
I believe Meryl. I think she is high enough up to the food chain that she didn’t have to deal directly with Harvey as others did, and that his behavior is demonstrative of an imbalance of power. He had it over Rose, Ashley, Mira, etc. He didn’t and need doesn’t over Meryl. Her people probably knew but also knew not…
I know what you’re saying, and i think even for the mentally healthiest among us 2017 has been extremely difficult emotionally!! I don’t know about everyone else, but having the most most powerful men in gov’t drop the charade and go full nazi/anti-poor people has been rough.
He is just so, so, so fucking stupid. There really aren’t any other words for it. He is just colossally, monumentally stupid.
I can’t believe that Annette doesn’t want o be around to witness how #humbled and #blessed Matt is on his apology tour.
I hope she took the dog.
Generational note.
General rule: if something you do can be compared fairly to something Ted Bundy did, stop doing that thing.
or it means pork fried rice.
“Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age.”
Me too. Just the thought of it gives me the shivers.
In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.
YES!!!!!! I just started watching this a few weeks ago, due to a convo here on Jezebel. PHENOMENAL SHOW
She’s great but no way. The cast is perfect from top to bottom. Even small side demons.
“Everybody gets a tesseract!”
That may be true but the vast majority is composed of thoughtful commenters who have been here for years. It sounds a little callous to shrug them off as being gray for a reason. Many compose a vital and important part of our community.
I say all this, because giving the power strictly to the authors is bad for the community. We as a community should have the power to police ourselves with a downvote / upvote system. You get so many upvotes and BAM! You’re in the black. Too many downvotes? You’re greyed for 30 days. That’s how it should work, and I…
Thank you for your support! As an ungreyed commenter on another Kinja property, it’s especially frustrating.
This is very lovely of you, and as a perma-grey, thank you.