Turtle Wexler

Right? Anytime Jez gets in the news, I feel inordinately proud & proprietary— as though I had anything to do with it. “Hey! Hey! My site! I go there! I write comments anonymously there! Them’s my girls!!” *lol*

Same. I feel like Bobby may have been body-snatched.

I found this bone-chilling. Like finding out Voldemort knows your address.

It could only have been better if Megyn called him out and asked to fight him right there on stage, Jerry Springer-style.

I am really tired of the “he wasn’t ACTUALLY touching her in the photo” defense.

It seems clear from her story that she wanted to avoid the kiss, and that he pushed her beyond what is normally expected and what she indicated she was comfortable with. I’m not an actor but I’m pretty sure tongue isn’t standard in onstage kisses. Also, it’s pretty common for dudes to write hot women into their scenes

I don’t get why people are so up in arms about multiple baby showers or the fact that she is using a surrogate. We just had a baby shower for a friend that adopted siblings! I have a friend with five kids and, as her friend, I wanted to have a shower for all the babies. Moms may only need big ticket items for the

Listen. Having a THIRD baby shower seems a little tacky, but for people saying that Kim can’t have a shower because “she’s not even pregnant,” I just have this to say: fuck you very much. My daughter was born via surrogate, and I was a joyful and excited expectant mother even though I couldn’t gestate her myself. I

Is he a father of daughters or was he at the time? I understand that — in spite of the evidence of all of human history — fathering daughters turns dudes into Aware Feminist Gentlemen.

I’m so sorry for your loss. You phrased this beautifully. ((Hugs))

FUCK no I will not do my adult kid’s laundry. I will not do my kid-kid’s laundry as soon as they are able to do it themselves.

Don’t bet too much on Robert Downey Jr. While it’s possible to be an addict and not abuse people, I doubt you can be rich, famous, surrounded by enablers, and an addict for years without crossing the line a few times. For some people, like him, my only hope is that, if allegations come out, groping was as far as it

I’ve reached the point that if Sir Patrick Stewart pops up randomly trending maybe it’d be better if it was because he died.

But really the feud is that Paul started dating John Mayer right after he dumped Boucher, even though they’re both ashamed of that now.

Their feud started when Rand Paul stole his neighbor’s backup dancers. There’s been a lot of bad blood since then.

My guess is this: They had a fight about something — anything — and both guys have plausible arguments that the other guy started it or touched him first. Paul gets beaten up badly and is embarrassed, but frames it as an attack and hopes it goes away. But when it turns out that his injuries are pretty severe and that

Well, one thing that’s going on is that Rand Paul is exactly the libertarian asshole of a neighbor that you would expect him to be. As the developer of the gated community that Rand lives in has said, Paul is the kind of guy who moves in to a development with a 13-page covenant on rights and restrictions that everyone

It would be my Christmas card, for sure.

If I had the chance to flip off Trump, I would get that shit printed for each of my kids’ rooms, poster size at least.