Turtle Wexler

A good interviewer would ask such questions, not because he doesn’t have a clue, but to allow the assault victim to get her explanations out there. It’s an interview technique that’s to the assault victim’s advantage as it allows her to control the narrative.

If somebody doesn’t show up as the Infant of Prague, this whole she-bang is invalid.

The organizing committee will have really screwed up if he isn’t there. Marketable name, in a high profile and theme-related show, actually likes edgy fashion and has a chance of showing up in something other than a standard tux? Yeah, he should be toward the top of the guest list.

I’m seriously considering throwing a party the same night with the same theme and see what my friends come up with. I have a chasuble I bought at a flea market for like $5 that I could bedazzle.

Oh the clusterfuckery that’s bound to happen with this one.

They better fucking invite Jude Law.

I read an oral history and the director said they did the scene like 7 times and she knocked it out of the park each time.

“Yes, but you’ve also made a fool out of me. You’ve made the life I lead foolish, too.”

Yeah, I’m not calling for a parade for Macfarlane or Difficult People or anything, but at least they didn’t manage to trip over the extremely low bar of remaining completely silent about this, unlike most of the rest of fucking Hollywood.

her 39-person bridal party

I’ll give you that it’s complicated, but generally speaking nobody is going to raise a fuss if you politely ask a woman you know out once, she declines, and you don’t approach her again.

In his defense, the messaging from his office has been extremely careful to avoid painting this as political, which is why I think this is most likely a dispute between neighbors, and Paul escalated an argument or something. That’s not going to keep the right from painting this as something else, but it’s a good look

Yeah, I was thinking that he probably started mowing and leafblowing at 6:00am that day.

While I agree with you I’m still holding out for this to be a neighborhood dispute. I’m not pro attacking your neighbors but Rand seems like the kind of guy that leaves his garbage bins out all week.

He’s a libertarian so doing whatever they want whenever they want for personal gain is their entire philosophy.

Yeah, I know that politics aren’t unlikely, but it would be an interesting twist if this whole thing was over some “you built your new fence 2 inches onto my property and won’t re-do it” kind of neighbor drama.

I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.

‘Look what you made me do’, indeed.

Singer is next. He has to be.