
Wow, this man is dumb.

More Soul Bubbles and less Slime, please. Thank you, Kotaku.

@RonCey : A real drum kit does NOT need to be plugged in.

It's nicer than my first REAL drum set but not as nice as my second REAL drum set.

Funny how when it comes to this game people always talk about the bugs as if STALKER is the first and only PC game in history never to get a patch.

Make pretty, sexy machines go real fast and them crash them? Sounds like a video game to me. I'm in.

Zeppelin didn't get to where there are today by doing what everyone else does. They have a right to protect their property and Jimmy Page probably would be more comfortable knowing you are learning to play a real guitar anyway.

This is what happens when you let an industry become beholden to 14 year old boys (and 30 year old men who behave like 14 year old boys).

@karateka: The reason why this gets more of our outrage than for you is because people who are not disabled are better able to fend for their damn selves. You can get of your ass and get a job and replace your PS3 - he can't.

Remember on Family Guy when they had Charles Manson sitting on his prison cot, rocking back and forth in front of a television saying "If I haven't seen it then it's new to me!"

"Open me up and watch me move"? You couldn't come within 100' of an ad slogan like that these days.

Funny how the film 'Wanted' gets nit-picked for being shallow and unrealistic and yet the same crowd turns around and proclaims GTAIV to be some sort of 'art'. Sure we're talking two different genres (just like the article above draws a link between literature and gaming) but good there is a base line of quality that

MS asked Canadians this question because if they had asked Americans they A) would have been sued for asking an "obscene" question and B) Americans are so sexually repressed that technically no American has ever been nude ... not even in the shower (with that alter boy ... who was nude but was also Canadian).

Either I'm getting too old or games are getting too focused but for the first time in my life I don't belong to any segment of the intended audience for a video game. Well, maybe 'American Girl: Julie Finds A Way' but I at least dated a couple of girls named Julie (all of 'em nuts, by the way).

I was sorta hoping for an Ice Pirates game. :)

Does a band aid really stick to poop? Good to know. Good. To. Know.

Well now how is the ESRB going to get people to go to their website now? I mean it's not like parents go there for rating information :)

How come my neighbors aren't this interesting?

Hey Kotaku readers, how about instead of feigning outrage you just yawn, say whatever and not give these people the attention they want.

Genius! This game is getting loads of free publicity because of this. :)