
The best thing about this article is that the Kotaku staff has now gathered all the racist/ignorant commenters in one handy post and can proceed to ban them.

Now imagine how good Homeworld 3 will be when they get around to making that.

I blame the translation first. Just remember that not even Samuel Jackson could make Star Wars dialog sound decent :)

I'm going to assume that a 3D Game Trailers logo, a 12pt font reading "Loading your movie..." all over a white background is NOT a scene from the RE5 trailer?

It's amazing how many people here would have saved themselves allot of trouble, time and money if they had read a few reviews before making a purchase. I'm not saying you should live and die by the media, but seriously at least flip through a couple of magazines and websites. When the game press gives a game an

Battlefield 2. First and last time I will experience online only games.

I heard his wife Amanda Hugginkiss was banned too.