Thanks, Netflix. I literally just caved and bought Rogue One on Saturday.
Thanks, Netflix. I literally just caved and bought Rogue One on Saturday.…
Type O Negative Summer Breeze
I read the verb leer like Spanish "to read" leer. It makes those truck caps more fun.
I'm assuming the movie had the scene where he's having sex with Silk Spectre but has other versions of himself doing other things, but I don't remember it.
Doctor Manhattan caused the Sudden Departure. Mystery solved!
Lowering the heater temperature was the first thing I did to save on electricity, so it's my go-to.
Maybe the premier could be Jimmy dealing with Chuck's death and then the rest of the season is a time jump after that. The show will be down Chuck and HHM, so there's more time to focus on the remaining stories that need to be wrapped up (Jimmy to Saul, Kim, Nacho, Mike, and whatever happens to Gene in present day).
Can it be a prequel series about the Minutemen instead?
I thought someone would slap him, so I was pleased they didn't go that obvious.
BB was 2008-2010.
How hot would your water get if you turned it all the way up on the sink or the shower? If the hot water heater is set to keep the water held at a really high temperature, it could be working nonstop.
A lot of comments about how Chuck's electromagnetic sensitivity seems to be tied to his guilt about Jimmy, but I'm not sure that's it.
I never read Congo. It's worth checking out? I liked Jurassic Park and The Lost World when they were published, but they didn't really hold up on a recent reread.
But their scientific name pretty much translates to "sleepy smallhead!"
I think I was too old when I saw it to appreciate it. Same with The Goonies.
*insert quote from American Psycho*
Greenland sharks are most likely scavengers since they get blinded by an eye parasite and swim really slowly because of living in very cold water, so the reindeer's family should go somewhere else.
I feel like it should really be (RT / PO) * CR or (PO / RT) * CR.
Deep Blue Sea is my favorite bad movie, so I'm questioning the math that ends with it lower than Honey and Congo.
I don't like Back to the Future, but I really like "The Power of Love."