Wait, she wants thoughts?
Wait, she wants thoughts?
I don't want to be Googling him, so I'm going to ask here:
She's auditioning for the Serpent Society.
I'm voting for Doubt since it had a pretty well-known cast yet didn't even get to air more than 2 episodes.
I imagine JP feather plucker is on the same level as the people that hose off the Westworld hosts.
They are different but Crichton used the size of Deinonychus but the name velociraptor since it "sounded cooler."
I always see celebs at my cardio-the-bar class (keeping your heart rate up while simultaneously studying case law is a powerful time-management solution).
DD1 - AN ECO-CATEGORY -From the Greek & Latin for “life” & “turning”, this word refers to the healthy mix of wildlife in a region (Nora won $2,800 on a true DD.)
He's also too short to be a stormtrooper.
AP also has Spicer with stormtroopers that's amusing. They're about level, competency-wise.
Dogs can go to work now?
They're real and they're spectacular.
I'll be even more nit-picky: The clue says 75 million years ago, which is true for velociraptors, but the name came from the popularity of Jurassic Park at the time. While they're called velociraptors in the books/movies, they're Deinonychus, which were around 110 mya.
What is this, a hedge maze for ants?
It all felt pretty final, until the actors didn’t have a ton of success beyond Prison Break
I know this isn't the Pop Culture Weekend post, but it's Comcast Watchathon Week, so I started Legion last night. Watched the first 3 episodes, and without giving anything away, it's making me think a lot about Hannibal. Maybe because of their twitchy, unstable protagonists?
9 years, Christ. Come back, time!
He won a Primetime Emmy for The Kennedys.
I want to know what deal RDJ made that he's 52 and looks that good. Would he look even better without the drug abuse?
Can we do 2006 instead? Then I can at least buy booze.