
There's lots of ways EA can ruin it.

The game looks good.

Right angles, right price strat eh?

Not really, seeing how Kingdoms of Amalur was a pretty damn good game.

Well, they probably just can't tell the difference since they all look the same.

look everyone, this guys sucks at smash brothers

"For fun" and "for people who want to play seriously amongst themselves."

Yeah, fuck those people who don't want to play the game the exact same way as you.

The codpiece and nipples were silly... but the outfit overall wasn't horrible... In fact... Nightwing's outfit was somewhat like this in more recent years... and now with New 52 (see above) it looks *a lot* like that outfit.

It's like Affliction made the Batman costumes.

Y'know, without the nipples and codpiece, it's actually not too terrible of a design for a Nightwing costume. In fact, it looks a lot like the New 52 Nightwing costume already.

We can't even trust trained professionals to use guns responsibly. Can someone please explain to me why we should all be carrying concealed weapons?

Oh hey there.

Quick, people, tell me how to feel.

There's an old saying: if it looks like a Final Fantasy, feels like a Final Fantasy, and sounds like a Final Fantasy, it's probably Bravely Default.

And Nintendo is buying back those shares, as they explained in the middle of last month :p

Now playing

I'm laughing at all the people who mis-understand the bottom GIF, it's of a raccoon, this guy [the creator of Digg] posted a videoo of his cat getting attacked or something and they made a GIF of it, he saved his dogs fucking life, stop bitching about animal 'cruelty' it's a long story.

Six signs you should spike your article:

I'm definitely with you on a lot of these. One thing I learned (that might be less applicable to everyone) is: the right people can take an otherwise dull experience and make it a thousand times better.