This is the most “gamer guy” thing in recent memory.
This is the most “gamer guy” thing in recent memory.
I *hate* exclusivity, but Sony owns Insomniac, and Insomniac makes amazing games.
No, she beat doctor doom. Very different things lol
This is right up there with Marvels best casting decisions, along side Hemsworth, Downy and Evans. She could have defined this character for the next 15 years. What a fucking shame. I hope Marvel is smart enough to hire her in a future project.
So I agree with your sentiment, but also where do we draw the line?
Smash Bros had some good ones. Namely Leffen. He’s *the fucking worst* but has turned a bit of a new leaf lately. That said, he doesnt compete in Smash professionally anymore.
I cringed reading all of that. Jeeeesus
This is some next level dumb shit. Who paid for this article?
If parents want to limit their kids, great. That isn’t the governments place. And telling people they can only play games 3 hours a week is insane.
Been playing for 2 months. It isnt what its cracked up to be. It isnt bad, but its not “better” than Avengers. Its more fun, but it isnt better. Avengers has *the best* combat a marvel game has ever had. It captures each character to the same degree of love and quality as Spiderman PS4 does for Spiderman.
they didnt say there was evidence, they said they wouldnt be surprised. There is precedent for exactly this in these movies, so it wouldnt be surprising.
Yeah I agree. Shit was bloated and convoluted. The best parts were in the first hour or so. I enjoyed the build up, I enjoyed her relationship with Barbara. I think fleshing that out more would have made a much better movie.
The thing to recognize is most theaters are shit, have shit screens and shit chairs, and the home theater experience is frankly way ahead of the average theater experience.
Uh, no it isnt because of streaming, its because of *the fucking pandemic that had all theaters shut down when her shitty movie came out*.
This is accurate. I spent insane money getting the console, game and extra controller bundle at launch (controller is still sealed due to no multi-player games), I got the LGCX fancy ass TV. Spent all my hobby budget for like the next 2 years.
I mean, the sequel series is dope. Im a big fan. But this looks meh. It might be great, but I’m so tired of seeing the awful “make it cooler, kids like xsports still right?” approach to design.
The new TMNT show (rip) was actually totally fantastic, if you stick it out and can get past the awful designs, the bland…
I keep being shocked at the lack of praise for this game. Maybe people just don’t get it? Maybe it’s a contrarian stance? I dunno.
Witcher 3 was the deep rpg they promised. People will get over bugs if they get a good game. Look at skyrim.
what a total non story.
Just saying they had no problem fucking over their female lead “because omg covid” but they’ll happily make us all go to theaters in a month that’s several times worse than July was.