I basically made this exact post on reddit a few days ago. Blizzard is an empty shell of what it was just 5 years ago.
I basically made this exact post on reddit a few days ago. Blizzard is an empty shell of what it was just 5 years ago.
This is one of the most anti-consumer, greedy practices in event planning out there. Its ridiculous. But during a pandemic? Its strait up evil.
Yeah, no. No one who appreciates what 1.5 million dollars is is spending it on a single game. Doesnt matter who the collector is. Also, you dont go to auction to spend 80% of your wallet on a single item for a collection.
I do hate that shit, but I dont think theres a show that hasnt had some kind of cliff hanger ending in its first season since the 90s.
They shouldnt have built the fucking thing so unintuitively then. Goddamn this is probably the shittiest console in generations. I really wish they didnt have all the games so I could have just ignored it.
I agree that “to the masses” isnt really accurate, but the sentiment is. Its like when tesla said they made a “budget” car for 35k. By comparison, it is a budget model.
she really has. Shes fucking sick too. Her physicality is so on point.
This movie seems like a catch all for the most cringy trends of 2000s animated movies.
I thought these were supposed to be in the 2.5D style of Octopath?
Whats the point of these?
Sonic 06 is anchored in in recorded history solely due to its absolutely fucking tight sound track.
Its also not on marvel to include every walk of life into every production...
To be fair, people were expecting Swtich Pro, Smash Bros, BOTW2, and maybe even mario kart.
Both consoles have super fast SSDs. same tech.
Yo why wasnt there any maltese latinos? I feel unrepresented in this specific project!
For me, this is the biggest issue with star wars games, and is 100% the biggest problem with Fallen Order. It could have been the *best* star wars game if they just made a “Jedi” difficulty or something where you one shot everything, and everything one shots you.
Thank you.
Welcome to 50% of the shit posted here.
The reality is you shouldnt need a fucking lawyer. This shit is so insane, for fucks sake.
Laws need to change. No on is going on twitch to listen to pieces of a song at half volume while some guy screams over it.
Wow guys, click bait title much?