Turn Your Head and Gough
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Look, polar bears are great. But the greatest of all the bears we’ve seen in 2015?! Sorry Tom, but it’s gotta be the porch bear, especially at the 3:00 mark, when the bear scrambles away, but then ever so deliberately turns towards the camera, and unleashes a nasty shit by the side of the house. This bear wins.

“that it didn’t go to the contest[ant] with biggest tits or criteria like that”.

also think it’s fake! #BENTATTRUTHERS UNITE!!!

In a word: Kennebufuckingport

Two words: slug colony.

I’m a Gender fluid sex worker who has been in this work for about three years. I can say firmly that James Deen is NOT someone most ppl in the industry respect, and his constant self affirmed “feminism” has led a lot of people to question his shit

Unfortunately, most women are raped by “nice guys.” It’s not a stranger in a dark alley for most sexual assault survivors; it’s someone we, and probably others, thought was safe/friendly/attractive/nice.

Good on the Frisky, and excellently worded court of public opinion not court of law.

There’s also the competing meme that women who shave their head are incredibly cool (perhaps that’s mainly among sci-fi nerds though?)

Homeless people. If you’re living in your car, there’s nowhere to plug in your crockpot.

You know it, girl!

Me too! :(

Well, apparently Kinja is suffering modifications again (or maybe being swapped out altogether?)...so soon it won’t be relevant anymore? I literally just got taken out of the greys on Jez like, last week.

What, Erin is leaving AGAIN?

Maybe she’s poor/cheap/homeless/travelling on the cheap and wanted to use the library’s ‘free’ electricity?

13th of November birthday here too woo!

“For centuries, lovers of death have tried to make us lose life’s flavor.”

Thanks for that link. Those 10 frames were more profound, patriotic in the best sense, and intelligently heartfelt than a thousand comments around here.

The whole point of insurance on a UPS package seems ridiculous to me. In what other industry do you have to pay extra money, to ensure that the company is responsible for the service you’re already paying them to complete?