
I mean, the Pilot has a third row, and the Passport doesn’t, so that seems distinct enough for me. 

I don’t know. Ask your mom.

I honestly never knew this until now, and I was an OG console owner. My crew shared all sorts of NES tips, hacks, and secrets, but this was never one of them. I do wonder though—after learning about infinite lives and warping, this would have been far less useful because you’d skip most of the game anyway. It’s

No gas stations in 10 years? Get real 

Um...I don’t think gas stations are going to disappear in 12 years. Are you serious?

My allergies got dramatically better when I got an air purifier and also when I stopped cracking the windows as much, since it was letting pollen in the house when I did that.

Not just halloween all dam drag year long 

My mom’s freezer has a basement?

This story is missing the really cool context: this episode all began with one Deviantart image by a Simpsons fan.

I’d like to take Jezebel writers on a journey to the past, October 2008, and introduce them to Ashley Todd, the backwards B a made-up Obama supporter allegedly carved on her face, and the republicans (including McCain and Palin) falling all over themselves to use her as a racist lightning rod before her story fell

I mean, he threw his own children under the bus when he bailed on us during the freeze, soooooo

For the love of god don’t paint it, especially white. That’s the landlord special right there, and indicative of other cheap repairs that are going to have to be addressed with the rest of the house.

we use a shared google keep list.  then it can easily be re-ordered after the fact. 


I saw an article today that touted how the federal deficit has been cut in half in the last year. IN HALF!!! How is this not in 1500 pt font on the front page of every news outlet? How is it not huge news across the entire country? Oh, because it occurred during a Democratic administration, so it just gets ignored by

Antidepressants/SSRIs are also easily explained.

Puffins make excellent Buffalo wings.  Just saying.

Goddamn this timeline is so crazy 😂 Like we got all these right wingers screaming about how liberals want to touch children while they go jack off in front of preschool and that’s just Republicans these days. Like damn. There is no shame left out here 

This is one of the many things that I loved about my Mazda3 (RIP). I loved having just a fob that I never had to pull out of my pocket. Walk up, tap the button on the door, jump in, hit the clutch, hit the start button and you’re off. Oh no, the fob battery died?! No worries, just pull the physical fucking key out of

Candy Corn is the worst candy.