Take it to the Bean Cafe :)
Take it to the Bean Cafe :)
13 of these and you don’t have one for wiping down the machine after you finish with it?!? It is not the responsibility of the person after you on a machine to wipe off your sweat/bodily fluids. Maybe it is such common courtesy that it seems unthinkable, but I seen it happen plenty of times, usually by the same…
Casual racism and entitled appropriation is a centuries old British tradition, to be fair.
You should see the flat-out lies his supporters are putting in ads here, like Fetterman wants to release all of the state’s violent criminals. They don’t have the “I’m Mehmet Oz and I approve this message” at the end, so they can say whatever they want and he can say he’s not responsible.
Obligatory “as a black person” comment.
The best bet with frozen steak is to let it rest on the counter until approximately room-temp; Claire’s lost her mind on this one! Letting it hit room temp before going straight in the hot skillet’s going to give you the most tender meat. There’s already a million good ways to crisp the edges without sacirificing the…
microwave defrosting is SOOOO bad!! you’re not thawing, you’re cooking meat in the worst possible way. only heating the water molecules and denaturing the proteins inconsistently.
Could be curb side pickup, the friend may have been going in for them, or everyone could be fully vaccinated, or already had COVID. I’m mostly playing devil’s advocate, but now that our kids are vaccinated and especially after our bubble burst, we are starting to take our kids out again. It’s not like the early days…
The rona has passed over, those that are going to be vaccinated have gotten the shot. Its time to come outside again friend. you did you job, its time to relax.
I really hope people dig into this worthless person’s privacy and just strew everything out there. She deserves that at a minimum considering the sorts of crap she spews and the cancer she’s been on the country’s institution of government. Not to mention any sort of criminal conspiracy charges that may have been…
Yes, this should have been one of the points in the article. You know how you like to play with your phone or read something while you poop? Well, you can do that when you pee too. And if you’re one of those fragile-masculinity types who think that it makes you less of a man to pee sitting down, the good news is that…
True, not in public restrooms, but at home/in private it’s sit-only.
Yeah, right? I’m kinda thinking the add of the cheese invalidates the vote for the Eggo.
Cheese, wtf?
Every now and then I still come across random dudes on the internet insisting that it’s somehow effeminate for a man to sit down while peeing, which seems like a weird hill to die on. I feel like there are dozens of ways for me to show what sort of man I am, and this really isn’t one of them.
Dude here, I sit down in the bathroom regardless of what the situation is. That’s quality reading time right there.
Two things that changed my life: a.) Sitting down to urinate b.) installing bidets on my home toilets. Game changers.
As a former FOIA official for a federal agency, I’d suggest first calling the the agency you want information from and seeing if you can speak to somebody who works with the information you are interested in. They can help you format a request so it can actually be answered. Furthermore, if the information is…
Yep. I would hand over a file that was entirely a black box except for the writing. Or I would have the photographer cover the entire image save for the words with pictures of diseased penises or something. Make it something the ex-husband is ashamed or embarassed to have. The court order said it had to be digitally…