its fine, its a noninterference engine
its fine, its a noninterference engine
Havent gotten any
lol i love this website
The best way to inflate the value of a baseball team, isnt to field a good team, its to sit on it for a few years and let it appreciate. this wont always be the case but it has been for a very long time
man, he should have gone into banking instead....
He’d slide nicely into this blog, you all should hire him
This is nicely put.
Heat is a fantastic movie
Can i get a Mickey Morandini?
“Oafish Koch heir” has made my morning. good day.
I can never get over people having a car per season. thats just crazy to me lol.
My parents moved out of my home a long time ago and moved across the country. soooo yes?
when i was a kid, I had seen the original trilogy so many times i had all 3 movies memorize (still do for the most part) I havent even seen the force awakens yet much less the last jedi.
lol THAT’S swole?!?
he didnt do anything.....the defender just fell down trying to stop his momentum......
pivot away from video
Is it common for people to own a different car for each season?
I’m pretty sure im the only person in the world who hates gus johnson.
I love the condescension people sneer at musk every chance they get these days lol
I like the part where you guys are just raging assholes instead of actually having a real back and forth about it. where have i heard that before? hmmm.