
The Bulls are run like your cousin, who you roped into fantasy basketball to have a total of 10 teams although he’s a part-time gamer and full time mooch, was given $100 million dollars and told to draft a team. Fools have shown no ability to either build a good team or tank successfully.

he choked the lion to death while defending himself.

We’re talking about cars that still make up a gigantic portion of everyday traffic with nostalgia, now?

Don’t you see the word “if” there, asshole?

It takes money to mint money. And it you get the taxpayers to help subsidize Wrigley, that’s Doublemint!

Or, maybe, some people are just passionate and like discussing the things that spark their passion with others? Is there fundamentally anything different between discussing a new whisk(e)y you tried and liked and discussing a new TV show, a new game, a new book, a new recipe, or anything else that you’re excited about?

Gus Johnson is trash. Regardless of his shameless humping of bullshit redemption narratives, his hyperactive ferret on angel dust routine has always been awful.

“American” as a nationality is exclusive to the United States, and there is no other term for that nationality.  If you would like to petition for “United Statesian” to become the common parlance, I invite you to do so.

Too bad Sammy Sosa can’t do this anymore. 

Fan is short for fanatic. Good luck trying to reign in the lizard brain shit that goes along with fandom. 

No way. He watches these masochistically, like Jake Gyllenhaal wanted to watch the cheating video in Jarhead.

What was he thinking, he totally had gone on his Rocker.

Your take is bad and you should feel bad.

Look, Bobby Flay

Still an improvement over the 2018 hatchback.

I guess...they’re all racist too?

So, wait...we’re not supposed to call marijuana by it’s actual name, because racism?

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard all day

What a horrendously bad take.

But if you’re using Facebook as a place to stay up to date on current events, you might want to

Some people don’t think its funny, or a tragedy. It’s a weak person or a mentally ill person that couldn’t handle life and made a choice to end it. And you sure as fuck don’t define the world for the rest of us, so shove your hallmark card comment right the fuck up your own ass. If I want to make a joke like “Reports