Turlington Prather

Man...what a bad movie. The plot is nonsensical with utterly confusing decisions like how they brought back Steve, the villains are not compelling, and there is barely any action and the action that is there has bad CGI. Even the titular era is barely represented, most of this movie could have happened in any modern

Hell, I love Krull. 1980s fantasy movies are all a bit crap, and yet they have a certain charm.

It’s a shame that now even fewer people will understand the joke in Back to the Future when Marty orders a Tab. “Tab, I can’t give you a tab unless you order something.”

I am pretty sure this article, that Jezebel post, 95% of the comments in both, this Netflix series and possibly that pizza were all generated by AI.

Barry? Barr? Bear Bar? Can you hear me?

Even if a performer sets their monthly price for accessing their OnlyFans at $10 a month, they would only need 1000 subscribers to get to the six figure mark.

If Excel is old people technology how come all the old people in my office can’t use it?

I thought it was the doctor’s kid that did not play the game and saved everybody, but that might have been a different episode.

I thought more of the TNG episode The Game, where only the android (in this case Taylor) can be unaffected and once back online figures everything out and saves the crew.  

“should self quarantine for 14 days if they have any compassion for others”

I think we’ve all pretty much already figured out that “compassion for others” is not a thing these people are interested in.

I “watch” them through Aaron Rupar’s twitter. (@atrupar) He covered BoneSpur’s klan rallies and is now covering these daily mini-campaign events, and make no mistake, they are purely and simply campaign events that should not be carried live by any network or cable outlet. Rupar tweets summaries of what is being said

This is on us. We waited too long to 3D print the guillotines. The drawbridges are being raised. By Sunday, they’ll be welded shut.

I still wish they’d done a low key series about Picard as a xeno-archaeologist wandering around having scholarly adventures and solving puzzles and mysteries.

Literally millions of voters would disagree on that.

I enjoyed it, but I was disappointed to see Mike Flanagan fall prey to the desire to remake a beloved movie. It was enough that the final section was set in The Overlook; I didn’t need the shot of the blood coming out of the elevator or most of the other callbacks to the original film.

Oh I see, you've never seen Welcome to Mooseport have you.

That’s a lot of angst and vitriol over a movie that's not The Ninth Gate, which is where all angst and vitriol should be directed.

This movie is nothing short of amazing

saw it last night with a pint of vodka and a bag of coke, which felt fitting. anyway I loved it. people in the theatre were loving it too and having fun. laughs and excited squeals once the burn started to really kick in. I can say it’s probably not for everyone though with it’s slow pacing and kind of “well now it’s