Turlington Prather

Something ... something ... GenX ... something ... Heathers.

The final girl trope wasn’t so much about her being a virgin as much as she has reservations or complicated feelings about sex, or had a hidden past, or just generally questions things allowing her to see more than her friends, be more resourceful, and in the survive.

Darry (Justin Long) and his sister Trish drive past an old church and spot the Creeper throwing a body wrapped in a bloody sheet down a large pipe. The Creeper looks up and sees them passing in their car, and he quickly takes off after them in his truck and soon runs them off the road and continues driving. As they

Rock was attacked because of Smith’s toxic masculinity. Chapelle was justifiably called out because of his own toxic attitude toward trans people (i.e., punching down, and not really all that funny compared to most of his other bits). They are entirely different, but I have a feeling that was this article’s point, to

Bad review. The sexism you are observing is a spot on recreation of suburban Dallas in 1980. The “Bob Ross wig” was exactly how Candy’s hair looked pre-trial. The entire point of the series (which you missed) was a rebuke of the courtroom narrative and to give Betty Gore a chance to tell her story.

The full movie is free on youtube

Danielle was a loathsome faux-Christian hypocrite who got exactly what she deserved

She’s turned into James Charles.

But his question was what movie, apart from 300, “makes him deserve a title like that”.  Not whether we all “like” that Snyder’s an auteur.

They didn’t give Titus much to do here. At least on Voyager he got to lean into his cold, calm demeanor in the face of a moral dilemma. Here, he’s surrounded by incompetents, and so he’s both neutered and overly tanned in a stupid hijack plot.. A waste of a good Trek actor reprise.

How many times over the last three episodes did the mom yell “stay here!” at her two kids and make them fend for themselves? Absolutely preposterous.

to make sure I’m describing it accurately for posterity...To me, it always tasted of expired Christmas spices, namely nutmeg and cinnamon—but triple the amount that’s actually necessary.”

And I’m only watching “Cuties” from here on out.

Funny you post this, because this kind of scene is among my least favorite of the series, or among the “least effective.” Whenever they do their “make fun of the nerds” shtick, it’s always a little lame, since they’re ALL NERDS, and wonderfully so. Same with the scene with the temp wearing the Star Trek pin. Donna’s

Whoops!  Lol.  Touché.  Still, bitches you can make alot of fucking money!

You are simply incorrect. Even if a performer sets their monthly price for accessing their OnlyFans at $10 a month, they would only need 1000 subscribers to get to the six figure mark. Though people don’t always continuously subscribe month after month, there are plenty of die hard fans for some performers who will

You are simply incorrect. Even if a performer sets their monthly price for accessing their OnlyFans at $10 a month, they would only need 1000 subscribers to get to the six figure mark. Though people don’t always continuously subscribe month after month, there are plenty of die hard fans for some performers who will

I think in 25 years of using Excel on an advanced level across a variety of industries, I’ve had cause to use the LEFT or RIGHT functions, like, two times. Good for her I guess. Can’t wait for twerking to Scenarios.

I’m discussin this in 2003.

Eh.  I clicked.