Turlington Prather

or Dr. Shrinker, where after shrinking the kids to miniature size, he also _____ them. oh, maybe that’s been done.

In the final vote count in the 2016 primary Hillary won with around 3.7 million votes more than Bernie’s 13.2 million. Your original statement was that “the American people will never support any radical departures from the status quo such as socialism”. You are incorrect. Hillary may have won with more votes, but not

American people have already accepted this “radical” departure and will continue to do so.  And America ain’t that great.  Lots of room for improvement.

Just throw a long carpet over the wall which covers the wire, maybe a rope along with it, and slide down the other side.

Debbie Does Demise.

Good god, you’re right. I just finished watching the remake and it was shite. And wurst of all, not scary. Gawd, where was he razor wire room or some proxy? Why did they do nothing with Tilda when they could have? And how about using all those lady witches cackling around tables — can they do anything more than slurp

“...a writer here....” Writers here post updates to stories all the time. I knew after I saw the new video footage on CNN that when I came here there would be an update. And there was.

No, that’s exactly what I did.  I exited.

Huh?  Marco Rubio is a bigot.  Castro is nothing like him.

Texan here. He’ll do so much better.

Hahaha, yes, I did that too with some. But I always loved the thrill of turning the corner, creaking open the giant wooden door, and getting deboned alive.

Lots of snug fitting blue jeans up in here.

My favorite choose your own adventure books in the 80s had a number of dead ends where, you know, you and your travel companion are set upon in the middle of the night by bandits and murdered. Done. You’re dead. The story didn’t force you to ‘re-choose’ a correct path. You made the wrong set of choices and were

Congrats on emerging from your coma! The world has missed you!

If you’re gonna watch the “Grey Gardens” fictional adaptation, you MUST see the documentary! Though maybe you did — I only glanced at the list. Lots of 80s sizzle. I love it!  

You know, up until today, I was like many and definitely didn’t think Clinton running in 2020 was a good idea at all. Today I say, why not? If she and her team eventually decide to do this, go for it — let her face those Lock Her Up chants with a smile and correct the campaign mistakes she made last time. That

This be dumb.

He also says his parents are “cucked” for watching the History Channel — the word gets cut off a little by Jew Hate McBoatface, but he definitely calls his parents cucks.  Beautiful.