
@matt buchanan: It's also primarily due to connected devices— specifically the Kindle. iPhone has been powering postpaid sub growth, iPad- prepaid growth, but the largest impact on the total customer figure is connected devices

@FlipFlopDX: It's not AT&T's pricing, it's Amazon's. They may have too much AT&T smartphone inventory since if you are on, or going to be on AT&T, most likely you will buy an iPhone. More that 80% of AT&T's smartphone sales are iPhones.

@darkly: I couldn't agree more. With the dearth of good comments and dialogue on these internets, it's so refreshing to find something insightful or of meaning. Way too often, people want to bitch, fight, and ridicule. Seldom do people even read the entire article and think before they comment.

@Izzno: I agree they will pass it along to people they represent, I don't think there is a real problem there. It's posting detailed notes to the web for anyone with internet access to see.

@darkly: Thanks I appreciate the comment. I will give you devious. I would just bracket it believing it's devious in a malicious sense. I think lack of transparency causes the firm to be often misunderstood, which I think is intentional with respect to competitors. Definitely make things up as they go, ruffle some

@SewerShark: I am not saying he was under any obligation to take it off the web. Or under any obligation not to divulge info. However, if not respecting the understood conduct in business of not sharing information with others (unless ask permission) you won't be invited or asked to join in partnerships again.

@SewerShark: You can't expect to survive in the business world if you think you can share information from a private meeting to the whole world to see and think it's ok because they didn't say don't tell anybody. One would have to quite irrational not to understand that.

@darkly: True- Apple made contradictory statements. However, Apple has held true to its statement that it wanted it all. Look at how many artists/songs iTunes has amassed. It's the largest music library, and practically has everything.

@aek8: I think you are on to something. If fees are deducted after receiving revenue, you wouldn't waste resources getting low-rent content in iTunes unless it you thought it would sell. For $40 upfront, you don't have to worry about enough downloads to recapture the investment.

I wonder if Apple delayed letting them in until after the keynote so that Apple could imply that iTunes competitors' libraries are merely "amateur hour" Akin to paying for NFLX service to watch YouTube videos, if you will. No doubt SJ wanted to have the largest library, another figure to boast about. Surely SJ didn't

@turleymuller: Correction— I mean last Sept, not April SJ said 20-30 iPod/iPhone. I apologize.

@m1ndtr1p: Sure it seems fair, never argued that it wasn't. I was just pointing out some information.

@Bs Baldwin: Well let's just say this- SJ said April that 20M iPod touch have been sold and 30M. That's 60-40. Introduce the iPad and higher iPhone sales (relative to iPod touch) and iPod falls to around 35%. Sound reasonable?

@Bs Baldwin: That's correct. I am very familiar with Apple's numbers being an analyst. However, I don't think you are taking into account that only about 45% of iPod sales are touch models, thus ~4.5M sold vs 8.4M iPhones.

@dfxdeimos: Apple and SJ have clarified this several times, including when the 1B & 5B milestone prize rules were announced.

@The Werewolf: That's incorrect. Downloads only include the initial time an app is downloaded, even across iOS devices.