
This article slightly misunderstood the news. It’s not that white, poor Americans are dying more than everyone else. It’s that their death rate is increasing more rapidly than anyone else. POC still have higher death rates than whites, but their death rate isn’t changing as rapidly as white Americans. (Probably

Yeah. I hated school and was often kicked out of class for not paying attention/doodling/etc. (My distaste for arbitrary authority even followed me to grad school - hey, smart despite said distaste - and I actually got chewed out in class as a full-blown adult for not paying adequate attention to something...oy.

What the hell is it with the no headphones thing? It drives me nuts to be forced to listen to someone’s shitty music while I’m at the grocery store or in an elevator.

I kept waiting for this. I kept waiting to hear why a man his age would go to see Trainwreck alone if there were “no motivation” as police were saying earlier. I kept waiting to hear about the misogyny and racism because I knew it was just a matter of time. These guys never just kill a bunch of random people and

This is why we drink.

Listen...I am tired.

....i can sometimes pass for white (very light skin but my features give away that i’m Chicana) so i feel you when white folks run their mouths thinking you are “in” on their bs. BUT we don’t experience racism like our darker skin fam. It’s really important that we acknowledge that so we can be more effective in

“There is no such thing as trickle down social justice.”

When you’re more concerned with semantics than social justice, you are indeed part of the problem.

I think you misidentified “the problem” in a typical way. Plain talk ahead...

I guess the difference, you experienced it, but it wasn’t aimed at you. So you experienced it like white people do.

Yeah no. As a hispanic girl that is no where near white or pale, and I have parents that have thick accents. No you have not faced the condescending, degrading and discriminatory effects first hand. I appreciate you feeling hurt by their comments but they are infinitely worse when they are actually aimed at you and

I agree. I'm Mixed but predominantly Korean, and was raised with that as my cultural identifier because of my family. I don't really look Korean. So I got to hear all sorts of racist shit from white people about Asians, but I never had it directed at me. I have the luxury of hiding in plain sight.

I am a biracial West Indian, I am light skinned and while I get what you are saying about being privy to the nasty shit people say, I will respectfully disagree that it’s the same thing as my brother who is brown getting profiled and insulted because of his skin color. It’s different, we do have light skin privilege.

Your claim that you’ve received more blatant racism than people with actually darker skin is insulting and untrue.

That racism wasn’t aimed towards you, though. It was aimed towards visibly ethnic Hispanics (I am one of those) that have it infinitely worse than you ever will.

I’m white but my sense of it is that it is insulting to be trying to even slightly equate some negative experiences over a few years in adulthood aimed at a false identity to negative experiences which are constantly reinforcing a lifetime of growing up in a racist society and all that entails. If you haven’t seen it,

You’re not listening. Her rights weren’t violated. Nothing happened to her beyond having had her precious white feelings hurt because she encountered someone who wouldn’t entertain her every whim and thank her for the privilege.

Even if she did have to deal with the everyday racism that Black women face, she always had the option of just washing that fake tan off and removing her wig. It’s not the same thing.

There are a lot of differences, but I imagine the one that angers people those most has to do with privilege and ancestry. My mother is white, my father is black and therefore I am biracial. The fact that my father’s father was black kept him from owning land and going to school and making a better life for his