
This was not done tastefully. The African people are depicted like caricatures with oversized lips and boogled eyes. Beyond the distasteful illustrations, I don’t understand how you can teach the complexities of the slave trade by turning it into a crude game. Could you imagine a black child having to play that game?

It is made for children! Why are you struggling with that concept?

Key and Peele is comedy for adults (which is sometimes dark) not an educational game for children. Children who are just learning about the slave trade for the first time are not capable of grasping that the game is supposedly meant to be a critiques of the “perverse absurdity” of the slave trade. They will just see

I can't stand Tyler. I remember a few years ago when he sent out a tweet making fun of Lordes and her boyfriend (who was Asian and already being made fun of online for his looks and the usual bs stereotypes about Asian men). He was in is 20s at the time and Lordes 17 (supposedly, but that's a whole new conversation).

I think the main cultural shift that has to happen is a movement away from individualism. Americans are encouraged to strive for individualism to a fault. Being an individual (basically an unbelievable selfish person) is looked upon as a positive attribute as opposed to something that can be counterproductive to

I totally agree. A particular pet peeve of mine is when people (usually teens) play music from their phones out loud when they clearly have headphones! That being said, I have been in these women position. I had just gotten married (small ceremony) and the hubbie and I had booked a section of a really nice restaurant

These are petrified children you scumbag!

These articles are ridiculous and perpetuate the idea that women should look for partners that are big/tall since our frail, weakling little bodies are incapable of navigating the world with a big strong man to protect us. I’m an adult woman and don’t need my man to be a giant to feel like I can function thank you.

I think a lot of people don’t understand that not everyone subscribes to white standards beauty. I am very honest with my Caucasian friends when they go on diatribes about how “hot” so and so is. I’m like. I don’t really understand white attraction or dating habits, but all power to you, rock on! The white people I

His exes are so painfully plain and just, well, not pretty. There really is no other way to describe them.

Did you intend to reply to me because you make zero sense. Chill it with te hyperbole.

I never understand when people say “it goes both way”. Lady friend, you being every so slightly judged for being white is racism “going both ways”. You have benefited from being a white woman and its shows in how damn fragile you are.

Dude, no one would have criticized the original commenter had they just spoke about their experiences as a white-Hispanic without throwing out the tidbit, “Not many Hispanic people I know have experienced the blatant racism I have and I have my “pretty, white skin” to thank for that”...This statement is total BS.

1. Stop being so butt hurt and fragile, when did he/she say all white people are racist?

I’m sorry, but the original OP started this by making the comment;

That’s the thing, those type of comments are said to people who are visible ethnic minorities all the time. The type of white people who say casual racist shit in public just need some liquid courage or to get somewhat comfortable in order to start sharing their views in front of visibly non-white people. For

I’m saying you need to realize that the civil rights afforded to a rich white woman are not going to translate into the civil rights afforded to a black/brown/poor person. We live within a tiered system, where the gains at the top do not necessarily translate for the people at the bottom. White men gaining workers’

No one is arguing that this girl and her mother should not go after the police in court or fight for their civil rights. What we are arguing against is the idea that this case represents anything more substantial than the protection of white, rich women. Even the idea that her rights were violated leaves me slightly

I am glad you acknowledged the major differences, I saw when I read down thread that you had indeed clarified that point before. Sorry for making you repeat it. That being said, Rachel’s behavior is comparable to the Mileys and Iggys of the world, the major difference being that she actually seemed to care about/be

Exactly, since when was this an accepted way of thinking among supposed progressives? That if we protect the privileges of the privileged, eventually it will work its way down the food chain. It’s not only laughable, it really solidifies for us non-straight, non-white, poor women, where we fit within mainstream