I think it's about time for baseball bro to upgrade to the feces and blood bombs of European football bros. this pantomiming shit is juvenile.
I think it's about time for baseball bro to upgrade to the feces and blood bombs of European football bros. this pantomiming shit is juvenile.
Shouldn't you be off saving the world one pedal at a time?
oh shut the fuck up. This "riot"does not deserve some long form bitch session about your fucking retarded "sports following" classmates. What the fuck are you doing in Deadspin in the first place if you don't follow sports?
gtfo of here with your cheese snobbery. I wipe my ass with chèvre.
I'm afraid it's too late. Pop music is an absolute nightmare.
It's well known that Chiang Kai-shek developed the modern Taiwanese pitching movement commonly referred to as "Nanking Sidestep".
Who the fuck are these adults that are Rihanna fans? Why does the whole world suddenly have the musical taste of a 13 year old Puerto Rican girl?