
I’m just saying, bustin’ makes me feel gooood. It’s right there in the song.

hopefully it doesn’t take off and start to change the meaning of the word Truth (like tweet does on Twitter).
“I just posted a truth!” wouldn’t matter if it was actually The Truth or not.

I suspect the bulk of the “Stop The Steal” donations have been quietly run through several off-shore, anonymous, numbered LLC accounts and currently reside in some tax shelter country.

Is it just me or are NFTs the 2020s equivalent of selling someone the Brooklyn Bridge?

Yep, its addicting.. I do give them credit, they have a good way of dragging people in and holding them. The ‘Algorithms’ they use clearly bubble up controversial topics, which keeps people engaged. The old trope is correct, bad news sells.. So, people get engaged in these crazy ass conversations. It’s easy to be a

I just killed my FB account that I’ve had since 2004 a week ago, and at first I definitely had that urge to immediately reinstall to see what everyone is up to.  After a day or so it passed, and I realized that my life didn’t change at all except I no longer find myself getting mad at the dumb shit that I know I’m

Yeah, hard to believe that would be the heaviest she has ever been unloaded on in a professional environment.  Asks and insulting question and gets a perturbed reply?  Surprised she didn’t pass out.

eh, I think “MAGA” might wane but it’ll never fully disappear, just like Nazism, the GQP, etc. As long as there are ignorant, racist, unjustifiably overentitled, highly mediocre people out there, and Fox News, they won’t be going away for a long time, not just because of their susceptibility to cult mentality but

“Denzel—are you—do you feel—you know some people say Hollywood folks should stick to acting,” Couric asked.

I’m sure it’s just a Switch 2 at this point, I hope they name it the “Super Nintendo Switch”.

Just watch the first season. It’s really the only necessary one as the following five seasons are essentially just repeating that tight story over and over until it sort of just ends...

He just handed his own financial stake (Bex’s shares) back to Rebecca, where he can’t see financial harm. He’s planning sabotage, maybe he has been for a while. It’s possible Nate’s actually been feeding him info for a while now, or at least he will be. It’s just a question of what’s getting a leak to the press to

My guess is that Rupert is aware of something coming down the chute that Rebecca can’t see yet. Maybe the final fallout of the Dubai Air situation?

Now playing

Norm had an appearance on Fallon’s show cancelled because of his comments about Louis CK & Roseanne:

Nah, fuck Frank Stallone though.

I’ll save everyone the time and just generate some comments for this:

“Take Two has every right to go after these guys and protect their IP.”
“Ugh, I was looking forward to this”
“These guys were dumb for spending time on a project like this.”
“Why can’t companies just chill out and let fans be fans?”
“The writing was on

The more I’ve had time to think about it, the more I have developed a theory around why Nate is so hostile to Will. Before I proceed, I want to note that this is my interpretation, and it is not accepting of Nate’s action, but rather the idea of putting myself in Nate’s shoes.

He saw a black dude and an NBC logo, I doubt he even thought about the weather. His tiny Fox-poisoned brain probably jumped right to BLM or CRT or something about fraudulent votes.

There’s something wrong with the fucking video. Roy’s dialogue keeps cutting out for some fucking reason.

Tulsi is willing to say or do whatever she thinks will garner her support or influence. She was a conservative here in Hawaii and adamantly against gay marriage. When she realized public sentiment was changing she switched to the Democratic Party and had a change of heart about marriage. Nobody on either side of the