
I'll start my own smartphone! With blackjack and hookers!

Don’t yuck my yum.

We won’t know until Trump is dead, but hopefully the RNC tires of the last name all together. 

Yup, Infinity war is the one I rewatch the most but Winter solider is the clear best movie. 

I agree but stan for Endgame as well. But Endgame was only so good because it was a payoff for the long story before it. WS is the best because it stands mostly on it’s own. As much as any MCU project can be considered on it’s own...

He’s also an enormous drug addict.  But yeah mostly he doesnt have anywhere near the showmanship of his dad.

They did.

I agree with you regarding the strange basis for ruling this is constitutional. There is plenty of precedent supporting the ability of law enforcement to do this (and have this done to them) without saying anything about the proliferation of cameras.  

No, police do not need a warrant to conduct a multi-month in-person stakeout. They would only need a search warrant if they were going to enter someone’s property to do so (without consent of course).

Because privacy law is built around public expectation, the judge isn’t wrong to say expectations can change based on circumstances.

I suspect it looked something like this:

Police officers actually do this in person, just waiting in police cruisers to observe people leaving bars to follow and arrest any suspicious drunk drivers.

Every election, I get the fringe candidate door knockers coming to my house despite my “no soliciting” sign because, as they put it, they’re not trying to sell me anything. Well no longer! I will now put up a sign that says “this porch may be under government surveilance.

Step 1: Release VR headset at an exorbitant asking price.

Would not be entirely surprised to find out that Musk learned that someone was spending company money on a “woke” BHM gesture and personally ordered that it be cancelled.

The republican party has spent years gaslighting its constituents and making them distrustful of any source of info that wasn’t controlled by them, then made them fearful and angry at anything and everything that doesn’t fit into their tiny mold of “proper” thinking.....then lost control. The reality-denying, delusiona

They make for pretty good white noise machines. I even built a white noise app out of a campfire audio sample I made: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Steve-Doolan-Pixel-Campfire/dp/B0B4JLJCT9

No, and trying to find one will only infuriate you.

This! And occasionally play Spotify or Amazon Music.