
The president is a corporate guy...

I would entertain that opinion if the woman wasn’t such a douche.

The duress part is where she amps herself up to get out of the car and shoot some black black folks... She is simultaneously “flying off the handle” and exhibiting the work of training and practice.


Unfortunately a large number of people simply don’t get that nuance. 

I hope she gets PAID... fuck that guy and anyone like him.

Maybe instead of defunding police, we divert a few of those dollars from cool new tank vehicles and have a couple courses on crisis management and mediation instead...

lol, massive is such a dumpster fire of a developer.

I forget who it was, but it was a prominent voice actor, say on a podcast that it’s essentially a closed ecosystem and the same players generally got offered roles first and it was hard to break into, unless you came up on a show that became an unexpected hit.

Why are they testing campaign staffers? You certainly wouldn’t want to inflate the numbers and make the campaign look bad

He really doesn’t care how many people die.

From the quote she seems to have not understood the comment.

It’s money... Always and forever. Doesn’t matter what shitty thing they do, or how shitty they are. If people see the movie and it makes money, he’s back in, no questions asked.

Awesome game. The first one I still play from time to time. 

The problem is that everyone has this idea that the president is this all controlling mastermind.

I find it odd that the comments aren’t filled with “not another store, steam is just fine, we don’t need another installer”

Gee also called on the mayor to “condemn the violence and the hatred” that they saw Sunday. According to WCPO 9, Noble did respond to Gee’s call saying, “When it comes to the violence part and breaking the laws, I do condemn.”

Its the tool of the wealthy. He has the financial backing of his companies behind him and can virtually bankrupt any of the small folk that try to come at him..

There is not way that tweet came from his fat little hands. Not a single “tremendous” or self aggrandizing statement? Not to mention the coherent, humble tone and complete lack of words in all capitals.

Glad to see i was ahead of the curve... i stopped referencing him by anything other than “the current president” a while ago because fuck that guy.