
We will be ok, I agree, but the ideology that America is great and powerful is gone. I applaud the protesters and support their cause. Nothing is changing, although we will see in November.

It’s really telling that the president is proud of this dumpster fire he has made out of America...

“Colin Powell, a real stiff who was very responsible for getting us into the disastrous Middle East Wars, just announced he will be voting for another stiff, Sleepy Joe Biden,” Trump tweeted. “Didn’t Powell say that Iraq had ‘weapons of mass destruction?’ They didn’t, but off we went to WAR!”

Fuck this guy... the only way you remain in the glorious leaders good graces is a tremendous amount of ass kissing and checking your morality at the door.

Wait, why do I have to buy it... can’t I just get in line for it and the government will send me a copy?

Wait, why do I have to buy it... can’t I just get in line for it and the government will send me a copy?

Esper must have wanted out. If you want the president to replace you, this is exactly how you do it.

So she can be an a-hole when it comes to this car style? Fair enough.

I still go back to D3 for about 10 days each season :)

If studios aren’t notifying resellers of stolen keys, how are they to track it.

It’s not that I do or do not care, I just find it laughable that a person that was born into a “ruling class”, has had every opportunity to succeed and presumably has been given more than they have earned would tap into “radicalized rebellion”.

So what the fuck is Ivanka Trump radicalized from?

You all really need to stop posting his garbage. He wants clicks, you’re giving them to him.

I borrowed it from a friend years ago and played it for a while. Saw it for $10 around Xmas for PS4, so I picked it up.

It’s a buzzword that means very little... incompetent businessmen and politicians buzzwords to bluster over the fact that they are incompetent and use them as talking points to seem like they are in control and have all the answers.

There are no clean programs, only ones that haven’t been caught.

Don’t forget to as for the “The Flynn” next time you get into trouble with the law... Plead guilty and get the charges dropped!

LOL, the phrase “decorum and decency” has never, ever been used to describe any action of the current president. The fact that it is being used as a criticism of Obama is so damn hypocritical.

Who cares... If you think the top players in college sports aren’t getting something, you’re naive at best.

I guess that is good news. Then I won’t have to watch them pivot ES6 into a huge disappointment like Fallout in the near future.

You can’t say that because there isn’t a video of 100's of black folks, armed, in the courthouse and screaming/yelling in the face of a line of police officers restricting them from storming the hall.