It sounds harsh, but isn’t this just natural selection at work?
It sounds harsh, but isn’t this just natural selection at work?
He had a good run...
I guess it’s cool that he tried to help another country in their time of need, but it would be the first time ever that he did something altruistic....
Because it is in picture form... if someone went through the trouble to meme it, it must be fact!
Can’t find a switch that isn’t 60-75% more than it was 2 weeks ago.
Can’t find a switch that isn’t 60-75% more than it was 2 weeks ago.
Go ahead, open the churches, have one of those stupid ass rallies as well.
That’s the problem, the money is all going to GM, he can’t get any of that money funneled into any of his friends and families businesses.
I don’t live in Kentucky, but also, fuck this person.
“Two California GameStop employees told Kotakuthat they’ve been told to use personal time or file for unemployment, as they will not be paid while stores are shut down.”
His actions were stupid and reckless, but his attitude is far from rare.
They don’t need your sciencey devil worships.
We will see how it plays out.
The republicans will win, because they aren’t fighting themselves....
Is Biden trying to play trumps game?
They don’t like it when “tell it like it is” applies to them, only when it applies to “those people”
I don’t know, seems like UbiSoft’s release method has become rush out a game with what they think are cool features, find out the players don’t like it, completely revamp the game in year two to try and win back players.
I’ll pick it up when it hits $3 like i did with the Division 2 :)
lol, it is a weird mindset.
I’m disappointed that it isn’t making a snapping motion...
I’m disappointed that it isn’t making a snapping motion...