I mean, if you’ve never killed anyone before, I guess “panic dismemberment and dumping of human remains” is the go to scenario...
I mean, if you’ve never killed anyone before, I guess “panic dismemberment and dumping of human remains” is the go to scenario...
How do you rip off the idea “the concept of a streaming service in which users pay to watch classes remotely”?
I wouldn’t vote for warren if she was the only one running. You clearly lack basic reading comprehension. If you believe I am a warren supporter based on my criticism of major media outlets disguised as “news”, then I don’t know what to say.
Don’t get caught up on my use of “for profit”, there is nothing inherently wrong with making money. I am simply being critical of their inflated value of generating income, over factual and unbiased reporting. There used to be a site around here that tried to do that and the staff walked (or was fired). Now it sits as…
Huh, go figure.... The for profit “news” outlets controlled by 6 or so billionaires are pushing a narrative presumably of their own design and in their own interest... Shocking...
I love the fact that you can completely tell when trump uses his own fat fingers versus some staffer tweeting.
I stand corrected... How very Microsoft of them indeed.
How very Sony of them :)
We’ll all be lucky of he leaves in 5 years... The guy never broke a law he cared about, you think term limits are going to stop him?
I played Division1 this past weekend for the first time in forever.
Do you even know what grief is, how powerful it can be or how blinding to reality it can become? There is an inherent danger in being overwhelmed by it, but that has nothing to do with what I said. I never said any of the nonsense you are talking about.
He hasn’t conned them, they know exactly who/what he is.
Fine? Probably, that’s not for me to judge. It’s very much an individual choice.
I was initially indifferent to this, but the more I think about, the more I dislike the idea.
The Last of Us or Skyrim
It didn’t fail though... to use your analogy, Tesla came in, took out the factory seats and replaced them with two milk crates to sit on, without telling anyone (allegedly).
So Telsa fancies itself a software company then?
Kobe raped that girl. Maybe he didn’t mean to, maybe he wasn’t mature enough or self aware enough to understand the situation he was putting them both in? Who knows.
Politicians are like vampires...
Dems are the ying to the Reps yang...