The sad part is that he will win. Both side are deplorable, but the Dems are just so bad at it.
The sad part is that he will win. Both side are deplorable, but the Dems are just so bad at it.
It is such a decisive administration.
I don’t see “unfair elimination” here.
It’s not cheating... they have rules for it.
And I’m sure everyone that said they wanted remote play didn’t support the vita.
I haven’t watched anything on my free year yet, although i plan to watch Mythic Quest.
heh, for once i am on the right side of the argument?
Unpopular opinion, if you’re in the front row of a comedy show, shut the fuck up.
I am aware of the abuse and damage being done and in no way meant to marginalize or insinuate otherwise.
So, can you use this the other way, in that an LGBTQ+ person can absolve themselves of blame from committing a crime if they feel threatened?
I have a hard time believing that a VP would put that in writing in 2020.
I don’t watch the show, but I did see a clip of Randall’s anxiety in action a couple years ago.
The outcry for the NBA to help is in large part due to the hypocrisy of control enforced by the NCAA/NBA machine.
They may not be responsible, but the NBA fraternity is a much smaller pool and they have the resources to help and provide assistance.
Do they? I haven’t watched prices. I more meant that for $300 i could get a switch with no games (although Apex is free anyway?) or a Monitor case that would allow me to play in the Airport :)
No, the name is stupid.
I’d rather buy a gaming case with a monitor instead of buying an under powered system with a small screen that would require me to reacquire games i already own, for the same price...
What are the chances they were talking generalities. Sanders was outlining the uphill battle a woman would have in running against trump and she took it as saying it as fact and using it as motivation?
Agreed. When this has happened to me, I have backed up and left the front spot for the incoming driver.