
Matt Nagy just isn’t the genius he thinks he is.

His supposition is that Ryu uses the rotation to maintain “flight” when it is much more likely that the move is simply a jump.

Remember when No Man’s Sky got hammered for not being what it was supposed to and not working great?

How in the actual *fuck* does a game made by this large of a company, with as many years of experience in the industry as they have, and has been out for almost a whole year now, still fuck up *every* *single* *time* they try to do something to it? What the hell is going on over there? I just don’t get it at this

Or, if your like me and you want special ops in the jungle without ponying you $60, just play wild lands.

Yeah, but it probably isn’t a systematic thing where they conveniently “forget” to tighten them as a way to get the customer back to spend more money on repairs or something like that.

I’m actually OK with MVSRA law not being applied. While the mechanic admitted that he “forgot”, unless they can prove that this shop routinely offers tire rotations and does not tighten the lug nuts, then it really isn’t applicable.

That was the point, that’s why they came in brandishing cell phones. They wanted to be arrested and removed from the facility, so they could jump on twitter and Fox screaming about how the Dem’s are trying to railroad the president and keep them out of the process they feel like they should be a part of.

In my first apartment, we had a coffee table that had a PS1 and TV at each end.

He shouldn’t be embarrassed about Belichick et al confusing the hell out of them.

Sadly it is only for new subscribers to Amazon Music

Sadly it is only for new subscribers to Amazon Music

They aren’t targeting him, he knows the rules and he breaks them on purpose so he can post about on IG.

Hansdegeode and a number of other Linux developers are calling for Linux, Chromebook, and Android users affected by the DRM to voice their concerns to Dinsey and to boycott the service until support is officially included for these devices.

He should go with “awholetomato”

The impoverished are just poor, not ignorant, and are perfectly capable of making informed choices.

My point is his platform of “tax the rich” will guarantee that he won’t win. The money behind big government won’t allow it.

Sanders can’t win.

Remember when ignoring a subpoena landed you in jail?

Lots and lots of compromise and a fair amount of blur.

Galaxy of Heroes call their $100k plus club Krackens and there is a bunch of them. I’ve even seen some players debate if under $30k is even considered a whale.