
Cosplay isn’t a bunch of white folks dressing up to make a whole race of people look stupid. It’s an artistic endeavor where the really talented artists attempt to recreate a fictional character as faithfully as possible. They take pride in their work and genuinely celebrate the achievement as a true homage.

ie: talked to 6 people and 1 person said they didn’t like it?

Go away with your well though out and reasonable response... we only accept “pitchforky” comments here...

I get that, I have a basic understanding of what a producer can be responsible for through the life of a film/tv project.

Honest question, because I don’t know or care enough to do the research, but why would the academy even care?

So how long before trump enacts a police state to secure that he isn’t “illegally removed” from the white house?

I don’t know if they are, but can we finally stop talking about the Browns?

heh, seems pretty on brand for trump to champion something that is fiscally unsound, wildly over priced and doesn’t meet any of the promised qualities we were told it would possess..

I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).

Daniels is a step up from Trubisky, but neither one of them is great. Daniels at least fits into the system that Nagy wants to run, but Mitch is not accurate enough to be great.

Too bad they haven’t had a decent QB in in a long time... I mean even someone like the Vikings QB could have gotten a few wins in DC.

wrong... As a “creative” I feel obliged to correct you both on behalf of “creatives” everywhere.

Serious question from a position of ignorance. I’ve not read the book or seen the show.

So how many Republicans received calls this afternoon from Pharma lobbyists asking WTF?

The verdict isn’t really surprising considering she said under oath that she intended to kill Botham Jean. That’s all you need to prove in TX and I bet most officers would never admit to trying to kill someone.

Yeah, two guys dumping 5 beers on the reporter is a dick move. It sure doesn’t look like celebrating...

like a dolls eyes....

whelp, looks like Anti-Vaxxers have read the book Trump’s guide on how to best win friends and influence people...

It reads like he was focusing less on his work and more on union activities, but neither side is saying what the actual reasons are or am I not reading between the lines properly?

Meh, I vote with my wallet. Will catch this in a few years when it’s $15.