
Trump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow

frankly with Sony’s track record of not really pushing and then abandoning things, i’m pretty surprised it’s still a thing.

To be fair, if anyone deserves it, it’s OBj...

dogs are really cats in disguise” is a ridiculous example of a statement that would not hold up under even the briefest of examination by a normal person.

“under federal protection,”

He doesn’t have to openly call for it....

I wonder if there is a distinction between fan art and a playable game?

He believes that “the server” worked to get him in office once, it will work to get him elected again. As long as he can keep tweeting in all caps, he believes it will carry him.

So the outside forensic firm determined it came from his IP (phone), then what is with all the other garbage details?

I guess he’s not wrong...

Rich peoples children getting jobs they don’t deserve is so cliche that I won’t even bother to add to the list the begins with the Ivanka’s, Don Jr’s and Kushner’s of the world...

I just finished a Hulu run from Season 1 - 13 and it was great.

The Last of Us remains one of the greatest game prologues I have ever played. It was simply amazing in the way that it set the tone and pushed you into the story head first.

I am liking Apple arcade so far. It’s got a little bit of something for everyone in my family.

Got the notification that it was available before midnight last night. Downloaded it and it said it was down for maintenance until 3am.

To be fair, they didn’t specify Democratic specifically, instead it was a generic 75% of US Politicians”, which i think is a bit low.

I looked at, it was nice, then i scrolled down... the lights!

I don’t know... if he didn’t see the receiver, he should get his eyes checked. Hurns was running a route, right in front of him and he lifted his hands at the last second to avoid a penalty.

I keep saying allegedly, but he hasn’t denied it. If anything the more we hear about it, he uses it as fodder to try and humiliate and mock the accusers via text.

That meme is...