
Not to mention, Chun Li cosplay is a staple of Con shows all over the world.

So Twitch is going to ban Street fighter, right?


OBJ can’t move on from anything. It’s a shame he is only relevant for the words coming out of his mouth. He had an OK year last year, but at some point he is going to need those numbers. Doesn’t look like he is going to get them in cleveland.

That’s because they always let Buffalo have that big September win, so they can stomp the life out of them the rest of the year.

What if AB got to the Raiders, realized what a shit show it is and decided that it wasn’t worth the money?

Are we sure the part wasn’t recast?

“All of this would go away if he announced he wasn’t running for president in 2024,” the former adviser said.

Give it time, it will shift into pay to win...

Double Decker Taco, XXL Grilled Stuft Burrito

There’s a few of us. Even at $15 or whatever it is now, I keep taking a pass at it. Will definitely check it out.

Darksiders 2, Deathinitive Edition, according to my purchased games list :)

She was only 36? I feel like i have been seeing her on TV for decades... RIP

How do you “sell out” of 2 chicken tenders on a bun?

I had to google Doug Gottlieb... his opinion doesn’t matter.

The criticism isn’t (or shouldn’t be) on Luck. He’s doing what he needs to do to for himself and his family.

Luck Isn’t the first HoF capable QB to suffer injuries that only seemed to get worse under the Colts watch.

There’s also something to the idea that the Colt’s have had injuries to 2 HOF caliber QB’s and completely screwed up the treatment and recovery of both of those guys to the point that they were forced to leave.

Yeah, thinking of applying, if for nothing else, the lols...