
Who picks up a McLaren on a Monday night at 9:45pm?

It’s narcissism and hubris... “both of my girls go to USC”.

Why would he be mad about it? He is making millions off of it (allegedly).

Well that’s the kind of thing you do for your daughters real father...

leaked into the public sphere by someone who should’ve known better

Female twitter user lashes out at male twitter user over sexually harassing comment.

Because they are following Trumps lead.. He is diabolical in his rhetoric and it works.

Agreed and further, I doubt he took it upon himself to decide.

Was he expecting the people in the room to go “Nice job, Mr. President; way to go , Mr. President. Kim really respects you!”

I’ve spent a good amount of time in Texas the last couple years. I’ve given it a chance, but it’s just meh.

So the lakers have to good players... now what.

That tweet is too put together, i’m calling bullshit that it was thumbed by trump himself...

It really is depressing to live in a country where if you’re rich enough or work for the president, you can simply break the law and say “oh well”.

Was the beach Tahiti? 

Yeah, cause every defensive player lining up to block a bears kicker isn’t going to yell “Double Doink” until they make a meaningful kick...

“but we sent along thoughts and prayers...” - Congress

I rarely if ever watched the daily show. It will be one of my life long regrets.

It is the pinnacle of the sport that only happens once every four years. Many of these players work their whole life to play in the World Cup and some of them may never play in another one.

Crap, do i have to go out and buy a switch now?
