
How many bars are on Bourbon Street, seems like these two guys own an awful lot of them.

There is also the feeling that once you pass a couple hundred, it feels like a waste if you don’t see it through, even at the cost of a few hundred more... or so I’ve been told <nervously looks away>

He has a point. Do you know how much it cost him in kick-backs and “campaign contributions”

So you’re the reason this ended up in my header today :)

I listen occasionally if his guest is interesting, Joe Rogan is not interesting to me.

Actually, he asked for less than 4%. It’s customary to give 10% (130k), he asked for 50K.

The fault in your argument is that this isn’t some kid they pulled off the street. He is a professional caddy that works at a PGA tour caliber course.

I think he’s already been replaced by that marshmallow dude... this is all some sort of false flag to get his name back in the spotlight. 

I’m sorry that we live in a world where bottom feeding pieces of shit can sit there staring at a monitor, watching me play video games, and just waiting for someone to get tilted so he can get a few fucking clicks.”

Hasn’t the PS4 minecraft been abandoned? Last i read it was considered a “Console” edition and would no longer be updated.

In a statement to the BBC, a Trump campaign official suggested that the man who attacked Skeans was drunk.

I played The Division from beta until well into 1.8. The visuals look outstanding, but the game seems like the same repetitive slog we already had for 3 years...

Thanks for the articles. I guess 2012-to July 2014 is technically years.

“Any number of Lakers not named LeBron” is a shitty deal, they were right to not trade him.

Putting aside your notion that mental illness is somehow justification for committing a crime, she said it in her own words...

There’s not a single stadium in or around Vegas that could pull of 8 games of bad football?

You can murder someone in full view of 100 witnesses, turn yourself into the police and still plead not guilty. It’s on the prosecution to prove he did it, but absent some pretty compelling information, the DNA will make it a pretty quick case.

Why would anyone want to play for Magic?

Are we so sure that the pelicans just don’t want any of the garbage the lakers have on their roster? Why would you trade AD for players that get blown out by 40 pts.