I think for this analogy to work, you would have to think of it as,
I think for this analogy to work, you would have to think of it as,
The Massachusetts Supreme Court cited other text messages Carter sent friends following Roy’s death in their decision to deny her appeal: “As the defendant herself explained, and we repeat due to its importance, ‘[The victim’s] death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and…
Too bad it’s only 2.5 years.
I’ve thought about this more and I guess it makes sense.
“Together we can break decades of political stalemate,” said the author of the longest government shutdown on record. “We can bridge all divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions, and unlock the extraordinary promise of America’s future.”
I wish I was joking and that I had not confused the two...
Any one that wonders that is lying to themselves.
The dude has mental issues.
Who the hell wants to play for the Knicks....
“I remember saying, and I thought it was kind of funny in light of the stupid conversations in the media,” Lewis told investigators. “So you know, unless it’s a black guy, then we just shoot them.”
Did you watch season 2?
PC Gamers are just the biggest fucking babies.
2018:Steam doesn’t give a shit, i wish there was an alternative
I got the impression that Madani was in a far off land (probably middle eastern country). I’m more surprised that she took that job. She seemed to be working towards being fed up with the violence and corruption of the world she was working in through the whole season. I’m not at all surprised Frank turned her down,…
I get the idea of him turning down a job as a CIA hitman, but to lure a bunch of “gangbangers” into a confined space for slaughter?
I just don’t know how i feel about the season. Frank was great. Curtis was great.
I feel like it was supposed to be some sort of “overwhelming blind rage” that gave her an advantage or something, but it fell flat.
She knows how the law works... Her boss explained it to her when she was strongly persuaded to lie on the record.
All of that makes sense, except that it’s not 2005 anymore.
DL Hughley is still relevant?