
Kepner is just the worst. And I'm not referring to her not wanting to abort. That's totally within her rights and it was ridiculous of Avery to suggest that. On that point I agree, he needs to STFU.

I liked the sad little detail of Tina having only four numbers in her phone.

Toboni's feelings toward the producers for continuing to keep Trubel out of the main cast

I was very surprised at the grade. I agree that the episode had some promise early on, but it turned cringeworthy-bad about midway. It completely lost me around the point where Webber took her on a walk and gave that horrible speech that in no way resembles the kind of thing that an actual human would ever say,

I feel like this episode was a love letter to internet fan message boards everywhere.

I'm not interested in another merger. What a terrible idea. I don't understand why Alicia and Lucca don't just get a real office. Hire Marissa as the assistant, and hire a full time investigator that won't be off taking random outside jobs or just forgotten about (*ahem* Robyn?) Then you just have the two firms

That episode was full of just pure cringe.

Remember when the only things we had to worry about not working were minor C-plots, like Hot Grace? Good times.

In case anyone didn't know, the video game landfill thing was based on a real story. The dump site was in New Mexico in 1983 and consisted largely of Atari 2600 cartridges of the awful ET video game.

What's this flammable petroleum byproduct that we don't understand? Better do the responsible thing and dump it in lakes and rivers. Oh, 1901.

The curare caused temporary paralysis. It's not permanent. Carr will be fine when it wears off. The damage is done via the implication that the black doctor needs the help of a proper white doctor to swoop in. That point wouldn't have been made if the patient died or suffered permanent injury.

I think it was a pulse oximeter to monitor oxygen saturation and check for hypoxia. They probably slap that on there if there's even a remote chance that it's heart related, just in case.

I love the little touches that show just how far these people are removed from modernity, like the evil father in law declaring that they'll have to shut down the oil well if they can't make money selling kerosene for lamp lighting. Like, "oh well, it was nice while it lasted, too bad this oil thing doesn't have a

Can someone explain to me why they decided to write out Kai (one of the more dynamic and charming antagonists the show has ever managed to conjure up) and instead force these miserable Heretics on us? Admittedly, this week was a lot better than past weeks, but that's not saying much.

Maybe someone with better memory can chime in here, but I thought in the first season she came to conclusion that it was too risky.

If Major has the cure in his system, does that mean that he and Liv can do the sex without risking re-zombification? I suppose the show could go either way on that. They haven't really had a chance to bring it up since he was cured since they've been on the outs.

B- is being tremendously generous. This was a slog to get through. Watching a show should not be work.

I quite liked, "But what if he's a little cowboy wearing a bandana?"

I was a little thrown by the revelation that neither Vaughn nor Gilda knew how Liv came to know that he'd been sleeping with the dead woman. Do they just not know she's eating case-of-the-week brains, or do they not know how brain eating works in general? I'd have thought that Vaughn's lab would have discovered how