
Don't forget the name of the bodega at the end: Liquor 'N Leave.

I bet 20 quatloos that Quinn is going to be all like, "Carrie, I just had to traumatize that kid (which btw will spell the end of your relationship with that perfect guy, you're welcome) in order to hunt you down to warn you! I wasn't actually trying to kill you! Someone in the CIA wants you dead! We have to find

Cush Jumbo’s delivery of …

The actors playing the heretics are just awful and insufferable. This show is seriously testing my patience. I've watched since the very first episode, but I'm considering quitting unless things really pick up (i.e. kill off these awful characters and move on.)

She was probably implying that it's a little bit disgusting when a game show contestant who is voluntarily subjecting themselves to a temporary hardship of, at most, six weeks compares their situation to that of a member of an ethnic or religious group who must endure a lifetime of abuse and second class citizenship

Yep. At four, any pairing of two is all the power you need. Abi and Woo clawing at each other for the number three spot is exactly what you want, and I don't think it was ever really in doubt in the minds of Tasha and Savage that Varner was a dead man walking.

I'm trying not to read too much into it. 20 people and/or 3 tribes are both a lot to service, particularly when you've got Abis and Varners in the main spotlight. It's too early for an invisible edit to really mean anything. (That said, I totally wouldn't be surprised if Wiglesworth turns out to be a huge

They probably wanted to shoot it during magic hour to give it that saturated, dramatic look. They did the same thing for the challenge in the first episode, which made it necessary to go to directly to tribal council afterward.

"Deitz! Big and long!" — Probst

Sophie gets my eternal respect for being able to put up with the constant religion crap (and even pretending to play along) of that season without a meltdown.

I think Tasha just wore her down. It might have come down to her saying, "Look, Savage and I are voting Varner and that's enough to vote him out, so it doesn't matter what you do. Get on board." I'm sure she put it more politically than that. Abi was never really a swing vote here, the only question was whether

There were a hundred things to like about this episode, but perhaps the best was the simple fact that the bro-brains had Liv walking around with a constant goofy, amused smile which is totally adorable.

The Angkor tribe site should still have a clue in play. It wouldn't really be fair if it didn't. One per tribe, that's the usual plan.

There's all kinds of ways they could modify the challenge to adapt to the idol twist. They could have a puzzle stage at the end for example, and a blindfolded puzzle solver with a clue could reach around under the table to find the idol, passing it off as the usual awkwardness of being blindfolded. Or they could

Here's my fantasy version of how the three-way team swap shakes out:

I've seen the theory floated that Wiglesworth was pulling a long con by doing all these sad interviews where she claimed to not own a TV and that she hasn't watched any Survivor since the beginning. I just don't buy it. Her gameplay in this episode reflected the "being a good worker at camp so that people want to

There is literally no correct reaction to being told, "my teenage daughters think you're hot." That's probably why they didn't show Joe's face at all during that conversation, as he must have been sporing one hell of an awkward cringe.

Without spoiling anything, it will become a lot more apparent in later episodes what was actually going on. Just remember that they had her on a special floor.

Capheus: Someone help me, they're going to get me unless I can get this old record player working!

I don't think I'm ever going to come to terms with Woo making the cut. I can understand that people vote with different reasons in mind, and he was not an obnoxious person and was occasionally likeable. But when I'm voting I vote for who I think deserves to be there and Woo fails horribly and pathetically. He