
True that. It's like every script is built around the same skeleton of:

It's especially grating because Kai also used his magic absorption skills to remove the spell on Mystic Falls that prevented magic from working there, which was established as something that took a great deal of work and sacrifice from hundreds of those Travelers (or whatever they called themselves) to enact. So

I thought for sure he was going to be the big bad of the next season, having united all the primary players (Damon for coma-ing Elena, Rick for killing Doctorwife, etc.) in hatred and that it would take a drawn out team-up to take him down now that he's a double threat. But no.

Louie: Sometimes what you want and what you feel aren't always the same thing.
Pamela: Yeah, that's really true.
Louie: Well, I don't have any trouble saying it. I miss the shit out of your stupid tits.
Pamela: Yeah. They're both pretty stupid. They both flunked out of tit school.
Louie: Yeah?
Pamela: The left one is

The real winner in that case is Big Icepick, because you know there's going to be millions of self-lobotomies the next day.

I don't think so. Medicine has always been paternalistic as fuck. The doctor all but refused to talk to her without her husband present, as if she was a thing that belonged to him.

Now I'm thinking of, and missing, Andy Hallett. Sniff.

I'm not the one doing that, the person I was replying to was, by making a distinction between fans and recruits:

If a the definition of a recruit can be twisted to include a die-hard fan that for logistical reasons never technically asked to be on the show, even though they very much wanted to, then the word ceases to have any descriptive value in talking about the attitudes and backgrounds of contestants.

Say what? Rob C was not a recruit. He applied to be on Big Brother because he thought he had a better chance of being cast there, as this was 2002 and Survivor was still a huge cultural phenomenon and he assumed he had no chance. They didn't cast him for BB but they eventually called back and asked if he wanted to

What in the world is going on with the edit? Why is Shirin getting so much airtime? It's not that I don't like her, but she seems to be having very little to do with the actual game. She had the opportunity to shake things up tonight, but didn't take it. She began to make inroads with Mike, but so far that has

You mean ol' Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera? I don't remember a car playing Survivor.

With all the commotion nobody mentioned Probst's little out of context gem:

Jenn: She's definitely the star of this episode, and perhaps of the season. You'd get little argument that she's getting a winner's edit, although after San Juan del Sur we may be in the post-winner edit era of Survivor. I maintain the red team did commit an unforced error by targeting Kelly. They should have

That's another episode that seemed to make a deliberate effort with the sound design to emphasize that Chuck uses a lot of gas powered appliances. I wonder if Chuck sets the house on fire by accident while trying to do something that Jimmy would normally take care of. That would just be the cherry on top of the shit

When it became apparent that Phil was going to attempt to take Todd out of the picture, my mind immediately jumped to ricin and how its victims seem to die of flu symptoms and how that would be a perfect undetectable way to off him without the others finding out. And then I realized that Breaking Bad has forever

They overplayed the premise as soon as there was a possibility of Alicia's emails being leaked. That stuff would turn into a political nightmare for her and Peter. There's no way that was happening, so as soon as that was threatened you knew they had to settle. If you leave it as a law firm being embarrassed, then

Master Shake apparently took the form of a human and became a RC helicopter enthusiast.

Here's my question for Jenn. You're at tribal council, and you've just heard Will say something about teaming up with Nina and Vince. And you knew that him voting with your alliance was never really all that solid to begin with. And that Nina kind of just sucks at Survivor and probably doesn't have that idol. And

The point of a bottle episode is to save the production money by having most of the filming occur in one (preexisting, cheap) location and requiring only the principal actors. This episode was in no way a bottle episode. It required shitloads of visual effects, stunts, makeup, expensive sets and props, extras,