
That's why Tony needed Trish the crazy whisperer to walk them back from the edge. "There there. *pats hair* It'll be okay. sssshhhh. There girl."

She's certainly outplaying everyone she's up against, but I'm not sure that's really saying much. This crop of players has not exactly been a vintage that will be spoken of highly by future historians, if you know what I mean.

I got a real kick out of Jon thinking that it was Keith that masterminded his ouster as he was walking off. It's like, of course you wouldn't even be able to see what Natalie was doing even when it was right under your nose. And what's Keith going to say when confronted? "No, I didn't devise that plan, I was just

Strongly disagree with B+. This was one of those oh god Modern Family has completely lost it this is so hackneyed just hurry up and end oh god they're playing a swell of sweet music when Lily is reading to the guest star lady and please can this just be over already episodes for me.

I thought it was a little odd that Jax didn't even try to dispose of or clean up the bodies he left in Oregon. That struck me as odd, but then again I was still assuming that he had found a way to weasel out of being killed for murdering Jury. If he's really accepted that fate, then I suppose it makes sense how

That was D+ episode for me — plain, boring, not the least bit engaging. You can't just warm up a bunch of horror movie cliches and cut together an hour of random people being afraid of the dark and expect that to work as a TV show.

Eh, not necessarily. On Sunday the 14th there are new episodes of Bob's Burgers, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Homeland, The Newsroom, The Affair, Getting On, and The Comeback, and those are just the shows that I personally follow. That's admittedly a rather light load for a Sunday; a few weeks back there was a Sunday with

Sundays have become very crowded lately, as that's when the majority of cable shows air, such as The Walking Dead which is a ratings titan. (Although in this case that's not relevant, as TWD has its mid-season finale on November 30 and doesn't return until February 8.) Maybe they didn't want to compete with all

With Jon's idle having been flushed, I wonder if the next person sent to Exile Island will also be handed a new idle on a platter as well.

What's the 2014 equivalent of throwing rotten vegetables at a Vaudeville performer? Whatever it is, that is what will happen if Keith wins.

Also humiliating: going home not for anything you did, but on account of your father's blunder due to an utter lack of nuance or strategy.

They've stopped doing finales on Sundays, and there are only three more Wednesdays before the week of Christmas but there are four remaining episodes, so they have to double up.

He's a human golden retriever. I bet you could keep him occupied by playing fetch with a (fucking) stick.

Yes, and the fact that Probst had to mention that little detail pretty much gave away the fact that the Baylor team was going to win, because I don't think he would have said it otherwise. (Probst's voiceovers about the prizes and rules are all recorded after the fact, as far as I know.)

In tonight's episode of The Vampire Diaries, Caroline made a reference to McDreamy, and I was all like, hey writers, why are you referencing a competing show on another network that airs in the very same timeslot as your show (and kills your show in ratings?) Do you expect your viewers to be cheating on you with

I watch a lot of television, and that guitar scene last season was the only time that I can ever recall having to fast forward through something for being too uncomfortable to watch. Internet shock videos don't even faze me, but that creepy shit made me shiver.

I loved how she was all upset at the drivers. How dare you honk at my precious snowflake who suddenly darts out in the middle of traffic without any regard for his own safety! Did you think you could just drive your car down the street, mister man?!


The engine has to be running to turn the pump that generates water pressure. They had just shown the engine dying. That's why it was so egregiously awful. They could have easily come up with some affliction that let the engine continue to run but not be able to drive the vehicle, like a transmission failure. But